" Politics in Bukedi, 1900-1939 : "
Twaddle, M. J.
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Twaddle, M. J.
Title & Author
Politics in Bukedi, 1900-1939 :\ Twaddle, M. J.
SOAS, University of London
student score
'Where there are no distinctively political authorities tobe either superseded or subordinated, only stateless societies',writes Professor L<:M, 1 '... the :imperial pcMer is engaged in theextIemely difficult task of creating a distinctively politicalauthority for the first time'. In manyareas of tropical Africa,European colonial pcMerS delegated that task to local African agentsto undertake on their behalf. 'Bukedi' was one such erea, and theBaganda chiefs British offic:ials employedin that area during thefirst years of this centuIy were one such set of agents.nus study analyses British political behaviour tCMardsthosechiefs, and suggests that local British officials possessed nuchless freedan of political JIDVementhtan they were prepared to admitin official cor.oospondencewith london. Ideologically, it arguesthat those officials were restricted first by a diffused and inarticulateImwinianism', then by that amorphous mixture of notionsassociated with 'Indirect Rule'. F\lrt:hernOle , it enphasizes thatbesides being prisoners of successive European ideologies, thoseofficd.als were also the captives of their African collaborators.fuch of this study is concerned with reoonstnlcting the dlaracter .of that captivity from a variety of local historioal sources,vernacular as well as English, oral as well as documentary.Given such an approach, and given such sources , it is hardlysurprising that more attention is devoted to the African chief whomone of his European contemporaries called 'a very useful pioneerand imperialist , notwithstanding his black facet 1 than to any othersingle political figure.
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SOAS, University of London
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