رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Is 'Visit Wales' a story of success or another example of the habitual failure of destination management systems? "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1100177
Doc. No : TLets606597
Main Entry : Gupta, Himani
Title & Author : Is 'Visit Wales' a story of success or another example of the habitual failure of destination management systems?\ Gupta, Himani
College : Cardiff Metropolitan University
Date : 2006
student score : 2006
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : Destination Management Systems (DMSs) have had a chequered history, with only a few which have been perceived as successful. The habitual failure of DMSs and criticisms of the assumptions of the benefits accruing to Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMEs) from DMS representation must put a question mark over the wisdom of DMS developments. In 200l, the Wales Tourist Board (WTB) signed a
Added Entry : Cardiff Metropolitan University
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