رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Educational equality and post-colonial elites : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1100419
Doc. No : TLets630606
Main Entry : Barham, P. R.
Title & Author : Educational equality and post-colonial elites :\ Barham, P. R.
College : Institute of Education (University of London)
Date : 1984
student score : 1984
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : In 1960-61 most of the independent schools in Sri Lanka were nationallsed without compensation. It was widely belleved that this was another phase of Sinhalese-Buddhist nationalism which sought to remove the vestiges of Christian colonialism, but the government represented its action as part of a movement to equalise educational opportunity. However, the legislation did not include the categories of school at the extremes of the socio-economic scale, and they could continue much as before. This dissertation is a case study in comparative perspective of the events which led to the nationallsation policy being adopted. The first part identifies and examines the problem to which the legislation was proposed as a solution. Using Gaetano Mosca's theory of elites an explanation Is offered for the social change which occurred in Sri Lanka after 1956 and which introduced SinhaleseBuddhist norms of social Justice into the political arena. The normative change Is measured, and it Is suggested that In the context of a plural society the shift was towards 'welfarlsm' rather than towards 'egalitarianism'. By relating the normative change to a relative no-change In the school system, the educational problem is more clearl y defined. The second part of the study is an analysis of the formulation and adoption of the pollcy solution. In examining the conflicting aims and interests of the protagonists In the Sri Lankan democratic context, it is posited that though the government was obliged to take account of the demands of its supporters, it none the less sought to protect the interests of its own class. The conclusion reached is that the nationalisation pollcy can be interpreted as an elitist solution in the Sinhalese-Buddhist tradition, and unlikely to have achieved the government's stated egalltarian aims.
Added Entry : Institute of Education (University of London)
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