" Ideology today : "
Silvaggi, Lorenzo
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Silvaggi, Lorenzo
Title & Author
Ideology today :\ Silvaggi, Lorenzo
University of Bristol
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The present work aims at exploring the re-elaboration of the ideology problematique in post-Marxistphilosophy and social theory. The traditional problematique - drawing mainly onMarxist categories - articulates the relation between the analysis of determining instancesoperating beneath the layer of reflective consciousness and the possibility of subjectiveautonomy. As a result of the post-structuralist turn in philosophy and social sciences, thisspace of enquiry has been progressively associated to untenable metaphysical assumptions -among which the idea of an essential reality, meaning or telos beyond discursive mediationand the possibility of defining a self-sustained system of rationality as a parameter to measureideological distortion. The present work argues that the implicative connection between thecritique of essentialist metaphysics and the abandonment of the Marxist emancipatory model- resulting in a deep suspicion towards comprehensive explanatory frameworks anduniversalist political projects - is theoretically questionable and politically debilitating.However, one main hypothesis underpinning the thesis is that the post-structuralistproblematization of such model mediates in theory real socio-historical impasses - related todeepening patterns of capitalist deterritorialization - whose analysis requires novel theoreticalelaborations. Accordingly, this dissertation aims at demonstrating that the paradigmsdeveloped by seminal authors on the Left (Ernesto Laclau, Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou andFredric Jameson), operating in the space of enquiry opened up by the intersection betweenMarxist and post-structuralist categories of analysis, can be read as attempts to rethink thetraditional ideology problematique in terms appropriate to the present historical situation.This central argument unfolds in different theoretical articulations. Firstly, the thesis exploreshow the post-foundationalist ontologies developed by the above mentioned authors contributeto outline the sedimentation of new patterns of subjection characterizing the contemporarysymbolic economy. By doing this, it also individuates, by means of immanent critique,recurrent contradictions and problematic knots traversing the post-Marxist intellectual field.Finally, such contradictions and knots are dialectically rescued as further avenues to outlineobjective limits imposed on affectivity and cognition by the current development of thecapitalist mode of production.
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University of Bristol
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