" An exploratory study of new media adoption for participatory programming in southwest Nigeria's radio stations "
Oni, O.
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Latin Dissertation
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Oni, O.
Title & Author
An exploratory study of new media adoption for participatory programming in southwest Nigeria's radio stations\ Oni, O.
University of Salford
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This study uses mixed methods to closely investigate how journalistic role conceptions and perceived attributes of new technologies, among other external forces, shape broadcast journalists' intention and actual use of new media technologies. An integrated model developed from extant technology adoption and role conception theories was used to examine individual journalists' subjective beliefs about new technologies and normative roles. A hundred and forty nine (149) broadcast journalists were drawn from 18 FM radio stations in four southwest states of Nigeria using multi-stage purposive and snowballing techniques. Another set of 18 broadcast journalists of varied background were interviewed in-situ. Factorial analyses confirm the significance of perceived technological attributes in technology adoption. Role conception correlates with technology adoption. Together, they predict broadcast journalists' intention and actual use of new media technologies, with 32% total variance (R2). Multiple regression (stepwise) models also show that a combination of perceived technological attributes (utilitarian, communication and hedonic values), perceived organisational support and agenda, and perceived institutional policy control accounted for between 8-10% of the total variance in broadcast journalists' intention and actual use of new digital technologies. Role conceptions also made significant contribution of between 12-13% of the total variance. Disseminator and civic roles emerged as positive predictors of radio journalists' intention and actual use of new digital technologies. While interpreter role approached significance, adversarial surfaced as a negative predictor. Perceived communication value (PCV) and perceived institutional policy control (PIPC) both emerged as significant predictors of technology use behaviour among Nigerian radio journalists, significant at p ≤ .001. Thematic analyses further substantiate the centrality of perceived attributes of technology such as utilitarian and communication (interactivity) values. Overwhelming impacts of facilitating conditions on adopting new media technologies were recorded. "Gate-watching" and "agenda enhancement" surfaced as neo-normative roles driven by the use of text-based quasi-synchronous social media platforms. Ultimately, the wider social-political and economic conditions in which Nigerian broadcast journalists work shape and constrain their adoption of new digital technologies and journalistic roles, with traces of market-driven approach rather than professional value-creation.
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University of Salford
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