رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The morphophonology and morphosyntax of Kerinci word-shape alternations "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1103801
Doc. No : TLpq866328703
Main Entry : P. H. G. Cole
: Timothy Andrew McKinnon
Title & Author : The morphophonology and morphosyntax of Kerinci word-shape alternations\ Timothy Andrew McKinnonP. H. G. Cole
College : University of Delaware
Date : 2011
student score : 2011
Degree : Ph.D.
Page No : 339
Abstract : This dissertation examines the grammar of a dialect of Kerinci spoken in the village of Tanjung Pauh Mudik. Kerinci is a Malayic language spoken primarily in the Kerinci Regency, in the mountainous western part of Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. In many Kerinci dialects, lexical items exhibit two distinct forms which differ from one another in the phonological realization of their final syllable rime. These two morphological forms developed historically from a phrasal-level phonological alternation, and have been referred to in the literature as the 'absolute' (historically phrase-final) form and 'oblique' (historically phrase-medial) form (Steinhauer and Usman (1978) inter alia). The aim of this dissertation is to understand the grammatical factors which determine the phonological shape and syntactic distribution of absolute and oblique forms. From a phonological perspective, I investigate whether the relationship between the phonological shape of absolute and oblique forms is predictable. From a syntactic perspective, I attempt to determine whether the properties of the alternation within the nominal and verbal domain can be explained via the same grammatical mechanism. In answering this question, I consider whether the choice between absolute and oblique is purely syntactic (i.e. structure dependent), or whether it involves a combination of syntactic and phonological factors (e.g. linear word order). In the verbal domain, I argue that the O-form is an incipient marker of nominal agreement which functions to license null pronouns in certain contexts. This proposal explains the observation that TPM appears to permit extraction of non-subject arguments, a fact which runs contrary to the robust typological generalization that languages with 'Philippine-type' voice systems do not permit extraction of non-subject arguments. Within the nominal domain, there is evidence to suggest that the alternation is conditioned by linear word order. Despite this, I argue that the same underlying mechanism (nominal agreement) accounts for the alternation within both domains. This unified analysis is possible on the assumption that both nominal and verbal domains exhibit Larsonian-type structures in which adjuncts are treated as complements. Thus, I conclude that the alternation is determined by purely syntactic factors in both nominal and verbal domains.
Subject : Austronesian
: Kerinci
: Language, literature and linguistics
: Malay
: Morphology
: Phonology
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