رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Roots/Routes: "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1104780
Doc. No : TLpq2267898961
Main Entry : Bellion, Wendy
: Richmond-Moll, Jeffrey
Title & Author : Roots/Routes:\ Richmond-Moll, JeffreyBellion, Wendy
College : University of Delaware
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Degree : Ph.D.
Page No : 487
Abstract : In the early twentieth century, American artists and audiences embraced religious subject matter as a means to navigate new experiences of mobility and displacement. Such artworks located a spiritualized sense of place in an increasingly dislocated world—roots in the midst of routes—and challenge theories that modernization’s forces have been unilaterally secularizing. This dissertation examines these artists, viewers, and objects in motion during decades of unprecedented movements of people and capital. Chapter 1 analyzes Underwood & Underwood’s stereographs of Palestine, which sought to produce virtual pilgrims out of its viewers. Chapters 2 and 3 consider how Henry Ossawa Tanner and John Singer Sargent constructed spiritual equivalents in their paintings for their transnational travels in the physical world. Chapter 4 examines Marsden Hartley’s still lifes of New Mexican santos, created when various authorities sought to obstruct santos’ full mobility in local rituals. Chapter 5 investigates John Steuart Curry’s paintings of Midwestern migrations, which show religious faith as a re-stabilizing force for the displaced. Together these examples demonstrate how differently positioned individuals from diverse backgrounds experienced American modernity’s unmooring effects in distinct ways, and sought, in response, a means of spiritual anchorage through artistic representation. By focusing on Christian subjects across denominational traditions and regional boundaries, this project reveals striking affinities between artists rarely considered side-by-side, and thereby advances a more global, more richly intercultural history of American art in the modern era.
Subject : Art history
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