رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Antidiabetic Activity and Pharmacodynamic Interaction of Combined Administration of Ethanolic Stem Bark Extract of Enantia Chlorantha and Lisinopril in Type 2 Diabetic Rats "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1105196
Doc. No : TLpq2301551048
Main Entry : Ajani, Emmanuel O.
: Ibrahim, Latifat Bolanle
Title & Author : Antidiabetic Activity and Pharmacodynamic Interaction of Combined Administration of Ethanolic Stem Bark Extract of Enantia Chlorantha and Lisinopril in Type 2 Diabetic Rats\ Ibrahim, Latifat BolanleAjani, Emmanuel O.
College : Kwara State University (Nigeria)
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Degree : M.S.
Page No : 129
Abstract : Enantia chlorantha has for long been employed in the management of diabetes in some communities in Nigeria, however, the use of this plant extract as an antidiabetic agent lacks scientific validation. Studies have also indicated that many of the people suffering from diabetes in Nigeria, combine the use of both herbal remedies and conventional drugs to treat concomitant diseases e.g. hypertension. One of such drug that is often used is lisinopril commonly prescribed in the treatment of hypertension in diabetics. Therefore, the present study was carried out to evaluate the antidiabetic activity of E. chlorantha, also to investigate the effect of possible pharmacodynamic interaction of the co-administration of lisinopril and E. chlorantha in type 2 diabetic rats. Extraction was carried out by cold maceration of the pulverised stem bark in 70 % ethanol. The average weight of rats used was 165.7 g. The animals were first acclimatized for fourteen days after which they were randomly assigned into seven groups of 7 rats each, Group 1 was the control group and was administered with distilled water throughout the study. Diabetic condition was induced in groups 2-7 by fructose diet and streptozotocin administration. Group 2 was the diabetic negative control group and was left untreated throughout the period of the experiment, group 3 was administered with E. chlorantha extract (200 mg/kg b.w.), Group 4 was diabetic rats administered with glucophage (7.14 mg/kg b.w), group 5 was co-administered with E. chlorantha extract (200 mg/kg b.w.) and lisinopril (0.14 mg/kg b.w), Group 6 was co-administered lisinopril (0.14 mg/kg b.w) and glucophage (7.14 mg/kg b.w) while Group 7 was administered with lisinopril (0.14 mg/kg b.w). All treatments were carried out for 4 weeks after which the antidiabetic effect of the extract was evaluated. Results showed that administration of the extract restores fasting hyperglycaemia and also reverse of abnormalities in lipid profiles associated with diabetic condition. Results also showed that co-administration of E. chlorantha and lisinopril significantly reduced the serum glucose level compared with when each treatment was administered singly. Co-administration also showed synergistic effects in the restoration of serum lipid parameters (TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C), the renal biomarkers (creatinine, urea, Na+ and K+), cardiac function biomarkers (CK-MB and LDH) and hematological parameters (RBC, WBC, HGB and PCV). Antagonistic effects of the combined administration of the extract and lisinopril were however observed in the liver biomarkers (AST, ALT, ALP and GGT). Results obtained in this study therefore confirmed the efficacy of E. chlorantha as an antidiabetic agent. Although the study also showed that combined administration of lisinopril and E. chlorantha in diabetics may improve the therapeutic efficacy of each treatment, however, the study also suggests that co-administration of the two agents may lead to a reduced effectiveness of the extract in restoring liver dysfunction associated with diabetes.
Subject : Biochemistry
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