رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Identification of Formulaic Sequences in Urdu Language and Their Pedagogical Implication for SLA (ESL/USL) "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1105663
Doc. No : TLpq2320936853
Main Entry : Fazalehaq, Hafiz Muhammad
: Mahn, Holbrook
Title & Author : Identification of Formulaic Sequences in Urdu Language and Their Pedagogical Implication for SLA (ESL/USL)\ Fazalehaq, Hafiz MuhammadMahn, Holbrook
College : The University of New Mexico
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Degree : Ph.D.
Page No : 148
Abstract : In this study, an effort has been made to explore formulaicity in the Urdu language and its pedagogical implication in second language acquisition, both for English as a second language and Urdu as a second language learner. It is believed that formulaic sequences or prefabs make more than fifty percent of a language. These formulaic sequences are of various kinds encompassing idioms, proverbs, collocations and sometimes, simple fillers. For the current study, data will be collected from two widely circulated Urdu newspapers. The data will consist of lexical chunks or formulas, which will be identified on the basis of eleven criteria proposed by Wray and Namba (2003). To maintain inter-rater reliability, the data will be shared with an Urdu language expert. After the identification, the formulaic sequences will be classified into six classes. Results of the pilot study show that there is formulaicity in the Urdu language. It was found that Urdu is also replete with almost all kinds of formulaic sequences, like many other languages.
Subject : Bilingual education
: Language
: Linguistics
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