رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" In Search of Work-Life Balance: "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1105893
Doc. No : TLpq2341738892
Main Entry : Ogundoro, Oluwafisayo
: Tedesco, Marie
Title & Author : In Search of Work-Life Balance:\ Ogundoro, OluwafisayoTedesco, Marie
College : East Tennessee State University
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Degree : M.A.L.S.
Page No : 148
Abstract : Married women in the banking and management consulting firms in Nigeria encounter challenges that affect their commitment to their families while working long hours in demanding jobs. This study explores the challenges that married women encounter, and the impacts of these challenges on women’s family lives, social lives, and health. I analyze primary and secondary sources to understand how organizational work culture such as long working hours, work competitiveness, and Nigeria’s unstable economy negatively affect the work-life balance of married women in banking and management consulting firms. Although participants shared the belief that their workplaces practiced “equality,” their descriptions of daily life activities indicate that women did not enjoy egalitarian conditions at work or at home. This study brings to light the challenges faced by married women and suggests how the Nigerian government can promote gender equality in the workplace through the review and amendment of the Nigerian Labor policy.
Subject : African studies
: Gender studies
: Individual family studies
: Occupational psychology
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