رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Know Before You Play: "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1107648
Doc. No : TLpq2452448407
Main Entry : Diiriye, Anfa
: Hoy, Aaron
Title & Author : Know Before You Play:\ Diiriye, AnfaHoy, Aaron
College : Minnesota State University, Mankato
Date : 2020
student score : 2020
Degree : M.A.
Page No : 39
Abstract : Black women are disproportionately affected by HIV in the United States. This paper analyzes the associations between race, education, and HIV susceptibility, furthering previous research to understand if educational attainment reduces HIV susceptibility and if reduction patterns are similar for Black and White women. The CDC’s National Survey of Family Growth 2015-2017 was used to analyze associations using binary logistic and multiple regression models. HIV susceptibility was operationalized through four measures: condom use, having a partner with concurrent sexual relationships, having had an STD, and age at first sex. Black women were not found to be significantly more susceptible to HIV when compared to White women. Additionally, education was not found to have a different impact on the HIV susceptibility of Black or White women. Moreover, in comparison to those with either a high-school diploma or GED, having a college degree was found to mitigate some risky sexual behavior.
Subject : Behavioral psychology
: Genetics
: Health education
: Public health
: Sociology
: Womens studies
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