رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Kültür rotalarının korunması: "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1112278
Doc. No : TLpq2524204267
Main Entry : Keke, Damla Gül Begüm
: Turan, Mine
Title & Author : Kültür rotalarının korunması:\ Keke, Damla Gül BegümTuran, Mine
College : Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey)
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Degree : Master's
Page No : 138
Abstract : Cultural routes help perceiving the heritage elements in a historic urban site as a whole and transform their display into an enjoyable experience. Manisa historic center is chosen as the study area. The site has housed many civilizations throughout history and had been an important trade center on the historic silk road, but it has lost its integrity with the fire of 1922 followed by modern urbanization on the historic site. It is aimed to search the ways of presenting the isolated cultural and natural assets of the historic center through establishment of a cultural route. The way followed includes literature review, site survey, analysis, evaluation, proposal development and discussion. Features of examples and Manisa cultural route, such as route type, length, form and assets, discussed by comparison. As a result, a common vision for the cultural route of Manisa center with four different sub-themes is determined as “On the Trail of the Silk Road, the Cultural Network of Manisa.” The cultural route will revive the spirit of the caravan route, the experiences of the old travelers, and the traditional way of life. Linear formed, short length stages are suggested. Awareness of heritage protection can be improved by increasing the visibility of the assets along the route stages. It is expected that tourism activity in the region will increase. Proposing local-scale cultural routes in Manisa will pave the way for Manisa to participate in larger cultural route networks by conducting regional-scale route studies.
Subject : Cities
: Cultural heritage
: Culture
: Design
: Historic preservation
: Land use
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