رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Video BiCMOS sampling systems "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1112348
Doc. No : TLpq303913308
Main Entry : B. A. Wooley
: M. R. Nayebi
Title & Author : Video BiCMOS sampling systems\ M. R. NayebiB. A. Wooley
College : Stanford University
Date : 1990
student score : 1990
Degree : Ph.D.
Page No : 156
Abstract : This research explores the use of novel circuit techniques and BiCMOS technology to realize the essential components of high-speed/high-resolution sampling systems, including a video track-and-hold circuit and fast edge transition switch driver. Integration of such systems in a state-of-the-art BiCMOS VLSI technology avoids the high parasitics associated with traditional high-voltage analog technologies so as to achieve higher frequency response and provide the flexibility of integrating the sampling system together with digital VLSI circuits on the same chip. In the past, the use of BiCMOS technology has been focused extensively on VLSI digital functions such as high-speed memory (SRAMs) and low-power, high-speed gate-arrays and standard cells. This investigation explores the potential of digital BiCMOS technology for implementing video-speed analog circuits previously available only in hybrid and modular technologies. The results reported here serve as a foundation for introducing a less expensive and more reliable substitute for those technologies while improving the functional density. A video BiCMOS track-and-hold circuit that has been designed and fabricated in a 1.2 mum SRAM technology settles to 10-bit accuracy in 15 nsec. Using a novel bootstrapping technique, a BiCMOS switch driver was also designed and fabricated; this circuit is capable of turning on and off a large MOS switch with equivalent gate capacitance of 2 pF in only 1.5 nsec. These components surpass the performance of previous monolithic implementations by nearly two orders of magnitude.
Subject : Applied sciences
: Electrical engineering
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