رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The sea shore contamination of the Lebanese coast "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1113188
Doc. No : TLpq304405794
Main Entry : S. Barrington
: Z. S. Kortbaoui
Title & Author : The sea shore contamination of the Lebanese coast\ Z. S. KortbaouiS. Barrington
College : McGill University (Canada)
Date : 1997
student score : 1997
Degree : M.Sc.
Page No : 117
Abstract : Sea water samples were collected from different sampling stations along the Lebanese coast in the summer of 1994. Chemical, biological and physical analysis were conducted to assess the recreational water quality in Lebanon. Some 125 samples were then analyzed for the presence of Cadmium and Mercury by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Cadmium content, holding a mean 0.77 mug/L, was generally low for most areas with only a few elevated readings in Tripoli (1.89 mug/L), Checca (1.83 mug/L), Kaslik (0.79 mug/L), Beirut (1.19 mug/L) and Ramlet Al-Bayda (1.77 mug/L). Mercury content, holding a mean value of 0.06 mg/Kg (wet weight), was below the accepted tolerance limit of 0.5 mg/Kg for all sampling sites. Some 128 samples were then analyzed for fecal coliforms (Escherichia coli and Streptococcus feacalis). Approximately, 50% of the sampling stations showed satisfactory results (less than 100 colonies/100 ml). High counts of fecal coliforms, over 500 colonies/100 ml, collected at Dora, Ramlet Al-Bayda and Antelias, reveal poor sea water quality and a public health hazards to swimmers and fishermen. Some 36 samples were collected and analyzed for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, salinity and temperature. For all sites sampled, DO averaged 4.03 mg/L, pH averaged 7.97, salinity averaged 38.77 ppt and temperature averaged 27.9C. The degree of pollution was found to be related to population density, industrial and human activity, continental runoffs and hydrological and meteorological conditions.
Subject : Applied sciences
: Biological sciences
: cadmium
: Escherichia coli
: Health and environmental sciences
: Streptococcus faecalis
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