رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Tonal-Serial Hybridity in the Works of Three Composers of the Walt Disney Studios with an Analysis of Patrick Gibson's Nexus–Music for a Shadow Animation for Chamber Orchestra "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1114411
Doc. No : TLpq2407596324
Main Entry : Dicke, Ian
: Gibson, Patrick Luprete
Title & Author : Tonal-Serial Hybridity in the Works of Three Composers of the Walt Disney Studios with an Analysis of Patrick Gibson's Nexus–Music for a Shadow Animation for Chamber Orchestra\ Gibson, Patrick LupreteDicke, Ian
College : University of California, Riverside
Date : 2020
student score : 2020
Degree : Ph.D.
Page No : 357
Abstract : Film composers of the Modernist Era, by nature of their unique role occupying both a commercial and an aesthetic space, served two masters of necessity: the narrative needs of their client’s or studio’s film production, and their own need to create artistically satisfying music. They were free, however, of the need to justify their aesthetic choices and their choice of compositional methodologies for a given project to those in academia. This, I argue, proved to be compositionally advantageous for film composers, when one considers the imperative for academic justification experienced by their contemporaries in concert music, in that it allowed film composers greater freedom when considering a compositional methodology for a given score or section of a score. It is my contention that this relative freedom, and the practical necessity of producing striking original film scores, played a role in film composers’ adoption of some of the compositional techniques of modernist concert music composers and the integration of those techniques into their scores. This phenomenon can be readily observed in the film, television, and theme park music of three of the great Disney underscore composers of the era: Oliver Wallace, George Bruns, and Norman “Buddy” Baker.
Subject : Composition
: Disney
: Film music
: Serialism
: Twelve-tone
: Walt Disney Studios
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