رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" How to read the Qur'an "

center : The Center of European Languages of Qom(Ale Beit Publications)
Document Type : BL
Record Number : 3278
Doc. No : b49
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Ernst, Carl W., 1950
Title & Author : How to read the Qur'an:a new guide, with select translations/ Carl W. Ernst
Publication Statement : Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,, c2011.
Page. NO : x, 273 p.: ill. ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 9780748650705(paperback)
Notes : "This book was published with the assistance of the William R. Kenan Jr. Fund of the University of North Carolina Press."
Notes : Print
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents : The problem of reading the Quran -- The history and form of the Quran and the practices of reading -- Early Meccan suras -- Middle and later Meccan suras -- Medinan suras -- Toward a literary reading of the Quran.
Subject : Qurض‍anIntroductions
Subject : Qurض‍anReading
Subject : Qurض‍anCriticism, interpretation, etc
Subject : Qurض‍an as literature
Dewey Classification : ‭297.1.2261‬
LC Classification : ‭BP130‬‭.E76 2011‬
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مرکز مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی30‭BP130‬ ‭.E76 2011‬موجود‭‬
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