رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Islam in the modern national state "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 557571
Doc. No : b386313
Main Entry : Erwin Isak Jakob Rosenthal
Title & Author : Islam in the modern national state\ by Erwin I.J. Rosenthal.
Publication Statement : Cambridge : At the University Press,, 2009.
Page. NO : xxi, 416 pages
ISBN : 0521111986
: : 9780521111980
Abstract : Dr Rosenthal describes the contemporary spiritual and intellectual crisis of Islam.",,,,"Dr Rosenthal describes the contemporary spiritual and intellectual crisis of Islam. The unity of religion and politics, essential in classical Islam, has largely disappeared. In Islam there has beenDr Rosenthal describes the contemporary spiritual and intellectual crisis of Islam. The unity of religion and politics, essential in classical Islam, has largely disappeared. In Islam there has beenDr Rosenthal describes the contemporary spiritual and intellectual crisis of Islam. The unity of religion and politics, essential in classical Islam, has largely disappeared. In Islam there has been
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