رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Bret Easton Ellis : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 558146
Doc. No : b386924
Main Entry : Georgina Colby
Title & Author : Bret Easton Ellis : : Underwriting the contemporary\ Georgina Colby
Publication Statement : Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan,, 2011
Series Statement : American literature readings in the twenty-first century
Page. NO : 240 s. : 0 illustrations
ISBN : 0230339166
: : 9780230339163
Notes : Epublication based on: 9780230116986, 2011; Underwriting the Contemporary Missing Persons: Melancholy As Symptom in Less Than Zero, The Rules of Attraction and The Informers An Inner Critique: Commodity Fetishism, Systemic Violence and the Abstract Mutilated Subject in American Psycho Cloning the Nineties: Cultural Amnesia, Terrorism and Contemporary Iconoclasm in Glamorama 21st Century Gothic (or Post-9/11 Fatalism): Self-Parody, Reification and the Becoming Real of Cultural and Authorial Fictions in Lunar Park The Politics of Exposure: Unsafe Lines and Narratives of Conflict in Imperial Bedrooms
Abstract : This book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to thinkThis book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to thinkThis book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to think
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