رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The fortifications of Arkadian city-states in the Classical and Hellenistic periods "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 558520
Doc. No : b387458
Main Entry : Matthew P Maher
Title & Author : The fortifications of Arkadian city-states in the Classical and Hellenistic periods\ Matthew P. Maher.
Publication Statement : Oxford : Oxford University Press,, 2017.
ISBN : 0191090204
: : 9780191090202
Contents : Cover The Fortifications of Arkadian City States in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods Copyright Contents List of Figures List of Tables Introduction AIMS SOURCES AND EVIDENCE PREVIOUS RESEARCH ON GREEK FORTIFICATIONS ARKADIAN REGIONAL FOCUS CHRONOLOGICAL RANGE LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY METHODOLOGY ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK Part One: Methodology 1: Arkadia, City Walls, and the Polis Arkadia as a Geographical Concept Defining Polis Status 2: Arkadian Fortification Types and Construction Choice of Site Arkadian Fortification Types. Fortification Building Materials and Construction TechniquesMudbrick Walls on a Stone Socle Internal Structure of Curtain Walls Classification and Treatment of Masonry Stylistic Chronology of Masonry and its Limitations 3: Tactical Development of the Constituent Parts of City Walls Curtains and Battlements Towers Gateways Posterns and Outworks Fortifications and the Evolution of Greek Warfare The Decline of Hoplite Warfare Fortifications After the Ascendancy of Artillery in the Fourth Century BC 4: Topographical, Architectural, and Historical Analysis. Geographic Distribution of SitesLocal Topography and Choice of Site Natural Defences Fortification Architecture Curtains Towers Gateways Posterns Outworks Chronological Summary Historical Probability 5: The Fortifications of Arkadian City States Part Two: Catalogue 1: Alea, Eastern Arkadia Location Polis Status History Local Topography Natural Defences Fortification Type Preservation Construction Summary of Tactical Components Towers Gates Citadel Comments Overall Defensive Planning Chronological Summary Chronological Arguments Bibliography. 2: Alipheira, Western ArkadiaLocation Polis Status History Local Topography Natural Defences Fortification Type Preservation Construction Summary of Tactical Components Towers Gates Citadel Comments Overall Defensive Planning Chronological Summary Chronological Arguments Bibliography 3: Asea, Southern Arkadia Location Polis Status History Local Topography Natural Defences Fortification Type Preservation Construction Summary of Tactical Components Towers Gates Comments Overall Defensive Planning Chronological Summary Chronological Arguments Bibliography. 4: Dipaia, Central ArkadiaLocation Polis Status History Local Topography Natural Defences Fortification Type Preservation Construction Summary of Tactical Components Towers Gates Comments Overall Defensive Planning Chronological Summary Chronological Arguments Bibliography 5: Gortys, Southern Arkadia Location Polis Status History Local Topography Natural Defences Fortification Type Preservation Construction Summary of Tactical Components Towers Gates Comments Overall Defensive Planning Chronological Summary Chronological Arguments Bibliography.
Abstract : This illustrated study comprises of a comprehensive and detailed account of the historical development of Greek military architecture and defensive planning specifically in Arkadia, a region in the centre of the Peloponnese in Greece, in the Classical and Hellenistic periods.",,,,,"This illustrated study comprises of a comprehensive and detailed account of the historical development of Greek military architecture and defensive planning specifically in Arkadia, a region in theThis illustrated study comprises of a comprehensive and detailed account of the historical development of Greek military architecture and defensive planning specifically in Arkadia, a region in theThis illustrated study comprises of a comprehensive and detailed account of the historical development of Greek military architecture and defensive planning specifically in Arkadia, a region in the
Subject : Electronic books; Military history
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