رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" International Workshop on Superconducting Nano-Electronics Devices "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 573916
Doc. No : b403135
Main Entry : Pekola, Jukka.
Title & Author : International Workshop on Superconducting Nano-Electronics Devices : SNED Proceedings, Naples, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2001 /\ edited by Jukka Pekola, Berardo Ruggiero, Paolo Silvestrini.
Publication Statement : Boston, MA :: Springer US :: Imprint: Springer,, 2002.
ISBN : 9781461507376
: : 9781461352174
Contents : Quantum Nondemolition Measurements of a Qubit -- Bayesian Quantum Measurement of a Single-Cooper-Pair Qubit -- 1/f Noise in Josephson Qubits -- Switching Currents and Quasi-Particle Poisoning in the Superconducting Single Electron Transistor -- Josephson Systems for Quantum Coherence Experiments -- Solid State Analogue of Double Slit Interferometer -- Noise and Microwave Properties of SET-Transistors -- Use of Small Tunnel Junctions Operating at T = 0.3 K -- A Hysteric Single Cooper Pair Transistor for Single Shot Reading of a Charge-Qubit -- Single Cooper Pair Electrometer Based on a Radio-Frequency-SQUID Scheme -- Possibility of Single-Electron Devices and Superconducting Coherence -- Frequency-Locked Current of Cooper Pairs in Superconducting Single Electron Transistor with Ohmic Resistor -- Setup for Experiments on the Supercurrent-Phase Relation in Bloch Transistors-Status and Possible Applications -- Single-Electron Transistors in the Regime of High Conductance -- Superconducting Transistor-Edge Sensors for Time & Energy Resolved Single-Photon Counters and for Dark Matter Searches -- Optimization of the Hot-Electron Bolometer and a Cascade Quasiparticle -- Noise in Refrigerating Tunnel Junctions and in Microbolometers -- Nonequilibrium Quasiparticles and Electron Cooling by Normal Metal-Superconductor Tunnel Junctions -- Mesoscopic Josephson Junctions Coupled to Weak Coherent Fields: An Example of Reciprocal Detection -- Dynamics of Superconducting Interferometers Containing Pi-Junctions -- Superconducting Current-Phase Dependence on High-Tc Symmetrical Bicrystal Junctions -- Superconducting Quantum Detector for Astronomy and X-Ray Spectroscopy -- Lifetime of Even-Parity States of a Bloch Transistor -- Magnetic Field Dependence of Retrapping Currents in DC-SQUIDs -- Josephson versus Kondo Coupling at a Quantum Dot with Superconducting Contacts.
Abstract : Thisvolumereportsthemajorpartofthescientificcontributionsofthefirstinternational workshoponSuperconductingNano-ElectronicsDevices(SNED)heldinNapoli,Italy,at theendofMay2001. Theaimoftheworkshopwastofocusonrecentexperimentalandtheoreticalresultsin thefieldofsuperconductingnano-electronicsdevices. Itcombinedphysicswithpresent andfuturetechnologicalapplications:bothfundamentalandappliedaspectswerecovered. SpecialemphasiswasgiventoquantumcoherenceandcomputationusingsmallJosephson junctions,noiseinultrasensitivenanodevicesandpossibilitiesofmakinguseofsupercon ductivityinvariouson-chipdevices. Withtheseattributesandwithrecognizedinvited speakersintheirspecialtiestheworkshopmanagedtobringtogetheracollectionof scientistsfromnearbybutdistinctresearchcommunities. Thiswaytheatmosphereofthe workshopbecameveryopenanddiscussionswerelivelybothduringandoutsidethe sessions. Thisfreshdiscussionhopefullygaveeveryparticipantalotofnewideasfor furtherworkbackintheirhomeinstitutes. OneofthecentraltopicsintheworkshopwastheuseofdifferentJosephsonjunction configurationsasimplementationsofquantumbits. Atthetimeoftheworkshopwewere justwaitingforthesecondwaveofbreakthroughsinthisfield:theresultsemergingfrom theparticipatinglaboratoriesoftheworkshopjustatthetimeofthewritingofthispreface perhapsalsoprovetheusefulnessofourworkshop. Anotherfocuswasonvarioustopicsrelatedtoultrasensativedetectors. Theybring quantumlimitationstoapplications,andmanydeviceconceptsareresultsofunderstanding fundamentalandexcitingphenomenainsuperconductivity. Noiseandon-chipcooling wereexplicitlydiscussedinthedetectorsessionsaswell. ThechoiceofthelocationrecognizestheroleandthetraditionsofNapoliespeciallyin thefieldofmacroscopicquantumcoherence,oneofthemainissuesoftheworkshop. It furtherguaranteedtheparticipantsastimulatingatmosphereatthemeeting. Inconclusion,wewishtothanktheIstitutoItalianopergliStudiFilosofici,theIstituto diCiberneticadelConsiglioNazionaledelleRicerche,theUniversityofJyviiskylii,the IstitutoNazionalediFisicaNucleare,theIstitutoNazionalediFisicadellaMateria,the DipartimentoScienzeFisiche,andtheRettoratodell'UniversitadiNapoli"FedericoII" fortheirsupport. ThanksarealsoduetoAirLiquide,CRY,Nanoway,OxfordInstruments, andRaith. ThisinitiativeisintheframeoftheinternationalactivityofMQC2Association on"MacroscopicQuantumCoherenceandComputing. "WeareindebtedtoC. Granata v vi PREFACE and V. Coratoforscientificassistance,andtoF. Caiazzo,E. DeGrazia,andA. M. Mazzarellafortheirvaluableassistanceinallthetasksconnectedtotheorganizationofthe Workshop. WearealsogratefultoL. Longobardi,A. Monaco,S. Piscitelli,andS. Rombetto forhintsandhelpduringtheWorkshop. ThanksareduetoL. DeFelice,S. Luongo,and V. Sindonifortheorganizationofthesocialevent. J. Pekola B. Ruggiero P. Silvestrini CONTENTS QuantumNondemolitionMeasurementsofaQubit . D. V. Averin BayesianQuantumMeasurementofaSingle-Cooper-PairQubit 11 A. Korotkov lIfNoiseinJosephsonQubits 15 E. Paladino, L. Faoro,G. Falci,and R. Fazio SwitchingCurrentsandQuasi-ParticlePoisoningintheSuperconducting SingleElectronTransistor 25 P. Agren,J. Walter,V. Sch611mann,andD. B. Haviland JosephsonSystemsforQuantumCoherenceExperiments 33 V. Corato,C. Granata, L. Longobardi,M. Russo,B. Ruggiero, andP. Silvestrini SolidStateAnalogueofDoubleSlitInterferometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 K. Yu. Arutyunov, T. T. Hongisto,andJ. P. Pekola NoiseandMicrowavePropertiesofSET-Transistors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 M. Ejrnres,M. T. Savolainen,andJ. Mygind UseofSmallThnnelJunctionsOperatingatT=0. 3K 63 R. Leoni,M. G. Castellano,F. Chiarello,andG. Torrioli AHystericSingleCooperPairTransistorforSingleShotReadingof 73 aCharge-Qubit A. Cottet,D. Vion,P. Joyez,D. Esteve,andM. H. Devoret SingleCooperPairElectrometerBasedonaRadio-Frequency-SQUID Scheme 87 A. B. Zorin vii viii CONTENTS PossibilityofSingle-ElectronDevicesandSuperconductingCoherence 97 Yu. A. Pashkin, Y. Nakamura,T. Yamamoto,andJ. S. Tsai Frequency-LockedCurrentofCooperPairsinSuperconductingSingle ElectronTransistorwithOhmicResistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 S. V. Lotkhov,S. A. Bogoslovsky, A. B. Zorin,andJ. Niemeyer SetupforExperimentsontheSupercurrent-PhaseRelationinBloch Transistors-StatusandPossibleApplications 115 M. Gotz, V. V. Khanin, A. B. Zorin,E. Il'ichev,S. A. Bogoslovsky, andJ. Niemeyer Single-ElectronTransistorsintheRegimeofHighConductance. . . . . . . . . . . 123 C. Wallisser,B;Limblach,P. yomStein,and R. Schiifer SuperconductingTransistor-EdgeSensorsforTime&EnergyResolved Single-PhotonCountersandforDarkMatterSearches 133 B. Cabrera OptimizationoftheHot-ElectronBolometerandaCascadeQuasiparticle 145 L. Kuzrnin NoiseinRefrigeratingTunnelJunctionsandinMicrobolometers. . . . . . . . . . 153 D. V. Anghel NonequilibriumQuasiparticlesandElectronCoolingbyNormalMetal SuperconductorTunnelJunctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 D. Golubevand A. Vasenko MesoscopicJosephsonJunctionsCoupledtoWeakCoherentFields: AnExampleofReciprocalDetection 175 R. Miglioreand A. Messina DynamicsofSuperconductingInterferometersContainingPi-Junctions 183 V. K. Kornev, I. I. Soloviev, I. V. Borisenko,P. B. Mozhaev, andG. A.
Subject : Physics.
Subject : Engineering.
Subject : Optical materials.
Subject : Surfaces (Physics).
Added Entry : Ruggiero, Berardo.
: Silvestrini, Paolo.
Added Entry : SpringerLink (Online service)
Parallel Title : SNED Proceedings (Naples, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2001)
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