رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" On tyranny : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 581749
Doc. No : b410968
Main Entry : Strauss, Leo.
Title & Author : On tyranny : : including the Strauss-Kojève correspondence /\ Leo Strauss ; edited by Victor Gourevitch and Michael S. Roth.
Edition Statement : Rev. and expanded ed.
Publication Statement : Chicago :: University of Chicago Press,, 2000.
Page. NO : xxii, 336 pages ;; 25 cm
ISBN : 0226776875
: : 9780226776873
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents : I. On Tyranny. Hiero or Tyrannicus / Xenophon. On Tyranny / Leo Strauss. Not to On Tyranny -- II. The Strauss-Kojeve Debate. Tyranny and Wisdom / Alexandre Kojeve. Restatement on Xenophon's Hiero / Leo Strauss -- III. The Strauss-Kojeve Correspondence. Letters. Editorial Notes.
Abstract : "On Tyranny is Leo Strauss's classic reading of Xenophon's dialogue, Hiero or Tyrannicus, in which the tyrant Hiero and the poet Simonides discuss the advantages and disadvantages of exercising tyranny. This edition includes a translation of the dialogue, Strauss's commentary, a critique of the commentary by the French philosopher Alexandre Kojeve, Strauss's restatement of his position in light of Kojeve's comments, and finally, the complete Strauss-Kojeve correspondence."--Jacket.
Subject : Xenophon., Hieron.
: Kojève, Alexandre,1902-1968., Tyrannie et sagesse., English.
: Kojève, Alexandre,1902-1968
: Strauss, Leo
Subject : Political science-- Philosophy.
Subject : Despotism.
LC Classification : ‭PA4494.H6‬‭S8 2000‬
Added Entry : Kojève, Alexandre,1902-1968.
: Gourevitch, Victor.
: Roth, Michael S.,1957-
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