" Judah and the Judeans in the neo-Babylonian period / "
edited by Oded Lipschits and Joseph Blenkinsopp
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
Judah and the Judeans in the neo-Babylonian period /\ edited by Oded Lipschits and Joseph Blenkinsopp
Publication Statement
Winona Lake, Ind. :: Eisenbrauns,, 2003
Page. NO
xii, 612 p. :: ill., maps ;; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
After the "myth of the empty land" : major challenges in the study of new-Babylonian Judah / Hans M. Barstad -- The land lay desolate : conquest and restoration in the ancient Near East / Lisbeth S. Fried -- Where is the "myth of the empty land" to be found? : history versus myth / B. Oded -- Periodization : between history and ideology : the neo-Babylonian period in biblical historiography / Sara Japhet -- Bethel in the neo-Babylonian period / Joseph Blenkinsopp -- The relationship of the priestly genealogies to the history of the high priesthood in Jerusalem / Gary N. Knoppers -- Epoch and genre : the sixth century and the growth of hidden polemics / Yairah Amit -- Gibeon and the Gibeonites revisited / Diana Edelman -- The fasts in the book of Zechariah and the fashioning of national remembrance / Yair Hoffman -- Nebuchadnezzar II and the Old Testament : history versus ideology / Ronald H. Sack -- Babylonian strategies of imperial control in the West : royal practice and rhetoric -- David Vanderhooft -- Neo-Babylonian military operations other than war in Judah and Jerusalem / John W. Betlyon -- Nabonidus in Arabia and Judah in the neo-Babylonian period / André Lemaire -- Ideology and archaeology in the neo-Babylonian period : excavating text and tell / Charles E. Carter -- Demographic changes in Judah between the seventh and the fifth centuries B.C.E. / Oded Lipschits -- The province of Samaria (Assyrian Samerina) in the late Iron Age (Iron Age III) / Adam Zertal -- Tell en-Naṣbeh and the problem of the material culture of the sixth century / Jeffrey R. Zorn -- Settlement of the Jews at Elephantine and the Arameans at Syene / Bezalel Porten -- The representation of foreigners in neo- and late-Babylonian legal documents (eighth through second centuries B.C.E.) / Ran Zadok
Jews-- History-- Babylonian captivity, 598-515 B.C., Congresses
Judaism-- History-- Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D., Congresses
Jews-- History-- Babylonian captivity, 598-515 B.C.-- Historiography, Congresses
Bible., Old Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Palestine, History, To 70 A.D., Congresses
Palestine, Antiquities, Congresses
Babylonia, Relations, Palestine, Congresses
Palestine, Relations, Iraq, Babylonia, Congresses
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
DS109.912.J83 2003
DS109.912.J83 2003
Added Entry
Lipschitz, Oded
Blenkinsopp, Joseph,1927-
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