" Thermal generation of aromas : "
Thomas H. Parliment, editor ; Robert J. McGorrin, editor ; Chi-Tang Ho, editor.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
Thermal generation of aromas : : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the 196th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, California, September 25-30, 1988 /\ Thomas H. Parliment, editor ; Robert J. McGorrin, editor ; Chi-Tang Ho, editor.
Publication Statement
Washington, DC :: American Chemical Society,, 1989.
Series Statement
ACS symposium series,; 409
Page. NO
xii, 548 pages :: illustrations ;; 24 cm.
: 9780841216822
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Thermal generation of aromas : an overview / Thomas H. Parliament -- Progress in the science of thermal generation of aromas : a review / Charles H. Manley -- Regulatory toxicology and food flavors / Charles J. Kokoski -- Thermal decomposition of carbohydrates : an overview / Joseph A. Maga -- Isolation of thermally generated aromas / Sara J. Risch and Gary A. Reineccius -- Advances in gas chromatographic analysis of thermally generated aromas / M.J. Feeney and W.J. Jennings -- Gas chromatography-matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy-mass spectrometry for analysis of thermally generated aroma compounds / William R. Croasmun and Robert J. McGorrin -- Modern techniques in mass spectrometry for the analysis of nonvolatile or thermally labile flavor compounds / T.G. Hartman, Chi-Tang Ho, J.D. Rosen, and R.T. Rosen -- Thermal decomposition of lipids : an overview / Wassef W. Nawar -- Contribution of lipids to the formation of heterocyclic compounds in model systems / Chi-Tang Ho, Linda J. Bruechert, Yuangang Zhang, and E-Mean Chiu -- Processing parameters and volatile compounds from milk fat / Y.J. Yoo, R.C. Whiteman, J.K. Dore, M.A. Amer, and Wassef W. Nawar -- Flavor composition of oil obtained from crude and roasted oats / S.M. Fors and P. Schlich -- Volatile flavor chemicals formed by the Maillard reaction / Takayuki Shibamoto -- Model reactions on generation of thermal aroma compounds / W. Baltes, J. Kunert-Kirchhoff, and G. Reese -- Formation of amino acid specific Maillard products and their contribution to thermally generated aromas / R. Tressl, B. Helak, N. Martin, and E. Kersten -- Heat-induced flavor formation from peptides / George P. Rizzi -- Mechanistic studies of the Maillard reaction with emphasis on phosphate-mediated catalysis / R.P. Potman and Th. A. van Wijk -- Kinetics of the formation of alkylpyrazines : effect of pH and water activity / M.M. Leahy and Gary A. Reineccius -- Sugar-derived deoxy-dicarbonyl intermediates as precursors of food flavors and aromas / Milton S. Feather -- Effects of temperature, pH, and relative concentration on the reaction of rhamnose and proline / James J. Shaw and Chi-Tang Ho -- Parameter effects on the thermal reaction of cystine and 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone / Chi-Kuen Shu and Chi-Tang Ho -- Formation of influential flavor components through water-mediated retro-aldol conversions of [alpha], [beta]-unsaturated carbonyls / David B. Josephson and Jerome Glinka -- Volatile thermal decomposition products of [beta]-carotene / Philip N. Onyewu, Henryk Daun, and Chi-Tang Ho -- Bread flavor / Peter Schieberle and Werner Grosch -- Formation of 2-acetyl-l-pyrroline and other important flavor compounds in wheat bread crust / Peter Schieberle -- Aroma chemistry of crackers / L.F.M. Yong, T.E. Acree, E.H. Lavin, and R.M. Butts -- Formation of flavor components in roasted coffee / R. Tressl -- Influence of nonvolatile compounds on coffee flavor / Sara J. Risch and Yue Mei Ma -- Thermal generation of aroma compounds from tea and tea constituents / Tei Yamanishi, Michiko Kawakami, Akio Kobayashi, Tsuyoko Hamada, and Yulina Musalam -- Natural precursors of thermally induced C13 norisoprenoids in quince / P. Winterhalter and P. Schreier -- Thermally degraded flavors in citrus juice products / S. Nagy, R.L. Rouseff, and H.S. Lee -- Aroma composition of canned black truffles / T. Talou, M. Delmas, and A. Gaset -- Flavor constituents of roasted cashew nuts / A. Jayalekshmy and C.S. Narayanan -- Volatile compounds in ginger oil generated by thermal treatment / Chu-Chin Chen and Chi-Tang Ho -- Identification and formation of characteristic volatile compounds from cooked shrimp / Kikue Kubota, Chinatsu Uchida, Keiko Kurosawa, Ayako Komuro, and Akio Kobayashi -- Volatile flavor components in thermally processed Louisiana red swamp crayfish and blue crab / T.C.-Y. Hsieh, W. Vejaphan, S.S. Williams, and J.E. Matiella -- Thermally generated volatile compounds in packaging materials / H. Kim and S.G. Gilbert -- Maillard technology as applied to meat and savory flavors / Lawrence L. Buckholz, Jr. -- Reaction flavors of meat / Milton E. Bailey and Richard G. Einig -- Process meat flavor development and the Maillard reaction / G.A.M. van den Ouweland, E.P. Demole, and P. Enggist -- Flavor formation in meat-related Maillard systems containing phospholipids / Donald S. Mottram and Linda J. Salter -- Thermal generation of sulfur-containing flavor compounds in beef / J.R. Vercellotti, J.W. Kuan, A.M. Spanier, and A.J. St. Angelo -- Isolation and characterization of volatile sulfur-containing meat flavor components in model systems / P. Werkhoff, R. Emberger, M. Güntert, and M. Köpsel -- Soy proteins and thermal generation of alkylpyrazines in meat flavor / Richard G. Einig and Milton E. Bailey -- Aroma development in Chinese fried pork bundle / Tzou-Chi Huang, Sen-Far Chang, Chi-Shen Lin, Daniel Y.-C. Shih, and Chi-Tang Ho -- Protein-generated extrusion flavors / Joseph A. Maga and Chin Hong Kim -- Formation of volatile compounds from extruded corn-based model systems / Chi-Tang Ho, Linda J. Bruechert, May-Chien Kuo, and Mark T. Izzo -- Design of flavors for the microwave oven : the delta T theory / Nadim A. Shaath and Nehla R. Azzo -- Influence of microwave heating on flavor / James A. Steinke, Christine M. Frick, Jo A. Gallagher, and Kenneth J. Strassburger -- Flavor development in a microwaved versus a conventionally baked cake / C. Whorton and Gary A. Reineccius.
Food-- Odor, Congresses.
Food-- Effect of heat on, Congresses.
Food-- Analysis, Congresses.
LC Classification
TX511.T44 1989
Added Entry
Parliment, Thomas H.,1939-
McGorrin, Robert J.,1951-
Ho, Chi-Tang,1944-
Added Entry
American Chemical Society., Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
American Chemical Society., Meeting(196th :1988 :, Los Angeles, Calif.)
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