رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Industrial wireless sensor networks : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 602135
Doc. No : b431354
Title & Author : Industrial wireless sensor networks : : applications, protocols, and standards /\ edited by V. Çağri Güngör, Gerhard P. Hancke
Series Statement : Industrial electronics series
Page. NO : 1 online resource (xxxii, 374 pages)
ISBN : 9781466500525 (electronic bk.)
: : 1466500522 (electronic bk.)
: 9781466500518
: 1466500514
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index
Contents : 1. Applications of industrial wireless sensor networks / Milan Erdelj and Nathalie Mitton and Enrico Natalizio -- 2. Machine condition monitoring with industrial wireless sensor networks / Neil W. Bergmann and Liqun Hou -- 3. Wireless sensor networks for intelligent transportation applications : a survey / Kay-Soon Low and Marc Caesar R. Talampas -- 4. Design challenges and objectives in industrial wireless sensor networks / Johan ¿kerberg, Mikael Gidlund, Tomas Lennvall, and Krister Landerns and Mats Bjḵman -- 5. Resource management and scheduling in WSNs powered by ambient energy harvesting / Neyre Tekbiyik and Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu -- 6. Energy harvesting techniques for industrial wireless sensor networks / Gurkan Tuna and Vehbi Cagri Gungor and Kayhan Gulez -- 7. Fault tolerant industrial wireless sensor networks / Ataul Bari and Jin Jiang and Arunita Jaekel -- 8. Network architectures for delay critical industrial wireless sensor networks / Nazif Cihan Tas -- 9. Network synchronization in industrial wireless sensor networks / Carlos H. Rentel -- 10. Wireless control networks with real-time constraints / Alphan Ulusoy and Ozgur Gurbuz and Ahmet Onat -- 11. Medium access control and routing in industrial wireless sensor networks / Aysegul Tuysuz Erman and Ozlem Durmaz Incel -- 12. QoS-aware routing for industrial wireless sensor networks / Berta Carballido Villaverde, Susan Rea, and Dirk Pesch -- 13. Reliable and robust communications in industrial wireless sensor networks / Sasan Khoshroo, Honggang Wang, and Yalin Wang -- 14. Network security in industrial wireless sensor networks / Nouha Oualha -- 15. Cognitive radio sensor networks in industrial applications / A. Ozan Bicen and Ozgur B. Akan -- 16. Industrial WSN standards / Tomas Lennvall, Krister Landerñs, Mikael Gidlund, and Johan ¿kerberg
Abstract : "Preface In today's competitive industry marketplace, the companies face growing demands to improve process efficiencies, comply with environmental regulations, and meet corporate financial objectives. Given the increasing age of many industrial systems and the dynamic industrial manufacturing market, intelligent and low-cost industrial automation systems are required to improve the productivity and efficiency of such systems. The collaborative nature of industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs) brings several advantages over traditional wired industrial monitoring and control systems, including self-organization, rapid deployment, flexibility, and inherent intelligent-processing capability. In this regard, IWSN plays a vital role in creating a highly reliable and self-healing industrial system that rapidly responds to real-time events with appropriate actions. In this book, detailed reviews about the emerging and already employed industrial wireless sensor network applications and technologies are presented. In addition, technical challenges and design objectives are introduced. Specifically, radio technologies, energy harvesting techniques and network and resource management for IWSNs are discussed. Furthermore, industrial wireless sensor network standards are presented in detail. Overall, this book covers the current state of the art in IWSNs and discuss future research directions in this field. The remainder of this book is organized as follows. Applications of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Chapter X analyzes and evaluates Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) applications classified into three main groups, that is environmental sensing, condition monitoring and process"--
Subject : Digital control systems.
Subject : Automation.
Subject : Wireless sensor networks-- Industrial applications.
LC Classification : ‭TJ223.M53‬‭I536 2013eb‬
Added Entry : Güngör, V. Çağri, (Vehbi Çağri)
: Hancke, Gerhard P.
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