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Main Entry
Hellinger, Marlis
Title & Author
Gender Across Languages : Volume 4.
Series Statement
IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society ;; v.36
Page. NO
1 online resource (431 pages).
Gender Across Languages -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC data -- Table of contents -- Languages of volume I, II and III -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- List of abbreviations -- The linguistic representation of women and men: An overview -- 1. Aims and scope of "Gender across languages" -- 2. Gender classes as a special case of noun classes -- 3. Categories of gender -- 4. Gender-related structures -- 5. Gender-related messages -- 6. Language change and language reform -- 7. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Some new perspectives on gendered language structures -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Structural gender linguistics - A marginalised field? -- 3. Developments in structural gender linguistics -- 4. Central insights from the languages of this volume -- 5. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Structural gender trouble in Croatian -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change and language reform -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender in a planned language: Esperanto -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Gender-related structures -- 3. Language reform -- 4. Gender in Esperanto proverbs -- 5. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- The representation of gender in Estonian -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change and language reform -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Probing the manifestations of gender in Ga -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender in Ga -- 3. Gendered structures -- 4. Usage of personal nouns -- 5. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender in Swiss German -- 1. Swiss German -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language planning and non-sexist language.
6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender trouble in a grammatically genderless\U+00a0\language: Hungarian -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 2.1 Lexical and referential gender -- 2.2 Social gender -- 2.3 Male-specific and generic ember 'man' -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 3.1 Compounding -- 3.2 Pronominalization -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 4.1 Naming conventions and courtesy titles -- 4.2 Address terms -- 4.3 Idioms, proverbs and obscene expressions -- 5. Language change and language reform -- 6. Conclusion -- References -- The linguistic representation and communication of gender in Igbo -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change and reform -- 6. Conclusion -- Note -- References -- Gender in Kurdish: Structural and socio-cultural dimensions -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change: Public discourse on gender in language -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender in Oneida -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Person, number and gender prefixes on verbs and nouns -- 3. Categories of gender in Oneida -- 4. The feminine-zoic -- 5. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender in Portuguese -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change and language reform -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Gender in Slovenian -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures -- 4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Language change and language reform -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- The linguistic representation of gender in Thai -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Categories of gender -- 3. Gender-related structures.
4. Usage of personal reference forms -- 5. Particles and interjections -- 6. The linguistic representation of the third gender -- 7. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Notes on contributors -- Subject index.
Grammar, Comparative and general -- Gender.
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Motschenbacher, Heiko
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