" Plato on art and beauty / "
edited by A.E. Denham
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
Plato on art and beauty /\ edited by A.E. Denham
Series Statement
Philosophers in depth
Page. NO
xxii, 238 pages ;; 23 cm
9780230314405 (alk. paper)
: 0230314406 (alk. paper)
Includes bibliographical references and index
PART I: Why censor the artists? Understanding Plato's quarrel. From The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato Banished the Artists / I.Murdoch ; Plato and the Mass Media / A.Nehamas ; Art and Mimesis in Plato's Republic / M.F.Burnyeat. --PART II: Art and beauty: before and beyond repubilc X. Plato's Early Aesthetics: The Hippias Major / D.Sider ; A Divinity Moving You: Inspiration and Knowledge in the Ion / D.Barchana-Lorand ; The Philosopher's Antidote / G.R.F.Ferrari ; Plato on Tragic and Comic Pleasures / P.Destrée ; Plato on Begetting in Beauty / C.D.C.Reeve ; Beyond the Mirror of Nature: Plato's Ethics of Visual Form / S.Halliwell ; Art and Ethical Perspective: Notes on the Kalon in Plato's Laws / J.MossIndex
"This unique collection of essays focuses on various aspects of Plato's Philosophy of Art, not only in The Republic, but in the Phaedrus, Symposium, Laws and related dialogues. The range of issues addressed includes the contest between philosophy and poetry, the moral status of music, the love of beauty, censorship, and motivated emotions."--Publisher's website
Plato-- Aesthetics
Aesthetics, Ancient
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
B398.A4P54 2012
Added Entry
Denham, A. E., (Alison E.)
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