" The cinema of Terry Gilliam : "
edited by Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula & Karen Randell
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
The cinema of Terry Gilliam : : it's a mad world /\ edited by Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula Karen Randell
Publication Statement
London ;New York :: Wallflower Press,, c2013
Series Statement
Directors' cuts
Page. NO
xi, 174 p. :: ill. ;; 25 cm
9780231165341 (cloth : alk. paper)
: 023116534X (cloth : alk. paper)
: 9780231165358 (pbk. : alk. paper)
: 0231165358 (pbk. : alk. paper)
: 9780231850384 (ebook)
: 0231850387 (ebook)
Includes filmography (p. 158-162)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-172) and index
Terry Gilliam interview / Karen Randell -- Steampunked : the animated aesthetics of Terry Gilliam in Jabberwocky and beyond / Anna Foula -- Grail tales : the preoccupations of Terry Gilliam / Tony Hood -- "And now for something completely different" : Pythonic Arthuriana and the matter of Britain / Jim Holte -- The baron, the king and Terry Gilliam's approach to "the fantastic" / Keith James Hamel -- The subversion of happy endings in Terry Gilliam's Brazil / Jeffrey Melton and Eric Sterling -- The fissure king : Terry Gilliam's psychotic fantasy worlds / Jacqueline Furby -- "You can't change anything" : freedom and control in Twelve monkeys / Gerry Canavan -- "It shall be a nation" : Terry Gilliam's exploration of national identity, between rationalism and imagination / Ofir Haivry -- "Won't somebody please think of the children?" : the case for Terry Gilliam's Tidelands / Kathryn A. Laity -- Divorced from reality : Time bandits in search of fulfilment / Jeff Birkenstein -- Celebrity trauma : the death of Heath Ledger and The imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus / Karen Randell
Terry Gilliam has been making movies for more than forty years, and this volume analyzes a selection of his thrilling directorial work, from his early films with Monty Python to 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnussus' (2009). The frenetic genius, auteur, and social critic continues to create indelible images on screen - if, that is, he can get funding for his next project. Featuring eleven original essays from an international group of scholars, this collection argues that when Gilliam makes a movie, he goes to war: against Hollywood caution and convention, against American hyper-consumerism and imperial militarism, against narrative vapidity and spoon-fed mediocrity, and against the brutalizing notion and cruel vision of the "American Dream."
Gilliam, Terry-- Criticism and interpretation
Motion picture producers and directors-- Great Britain
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
PN1998.3.G55C56 2013
PN1998.3.G55C56 2013
Added Entry
Birkenstein, Jeff
Froula, Anna
Randell, Karen
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