" Stalin's letters to Molotov, 1925-1936 / "
edited by Lars T. Lih, Oleg V. Naumov, and Oleg V. Khlevniuk ; Russian consulting scholars, L. Kosheleva [and others] ; translated from the Russian by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick ; foreword by Robert C. Tucker
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Uniform Title
Pisʹma I.V. Stalina V.M. Molotovu, 1925-1936 gg.English
Main Entry
Stalin, Joseph,1878-1953
Title & Author
Stalin's letters to Molotov, 1925-1936 /\ edited by Lars T. Lih, Oleg V. Naumov, and Oleg V. Khlevniuk ; Russian consulting scholars, L. Kosheleva [and others] ; translated from the Russian by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick ; foreword by Robert C. Tucker
Series Statement
Annals of Communism
Page. NO
xviii, 276 pages :: illustrations ;; 24 cm
0300062117 (alk. paper)
: 9780300062113 (alk. paper)
: 0300068611
: 9780300068610
Includes bibliographical references and index
Between 1925 and 1936, a dramatic period of transformation within the Soviet Union, Josef Stalin wrote frequently to his trusted friend and political colleague Viacheslav Molotov, Politburo member, chairman of the USSR Council of Commissars, and minister of foreign affairs. In these letters, Stalin mused on political events, argued with fellow Politburo members, and issued orders. The more than 85 letters collected in this volume constitute a unique historical record of Stalin's thinking - both personal and political - and throw valuable light on the way he controlled the government, plotted the overthrow of his enemies, and imagined the future. This formerly top secret correspondence, once housed in Soviet archives, is now published for the first time
Stalin, Joseph,1878-1953
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich,1890-1986
Heads of state-- Soviet Union, Correspondence
Soviet Union, Politics and government, 1917-1936
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
DK268.S8A4 1995
Added Entry
Lih, Lars T
Naumov, Oleg V
Kosheleva, L
Khlevni︠u︡k, O. V., (Oleg Vitalʹevich)
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich,1890-1986
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