رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The history of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ / "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 631531
Doc. No : dltt
Uniform Title : Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi.English
Main Entry : Schürer, Emil,1844-1910
Title & Author : The history of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ /\ by Emil Schurer ; a new English version revised and edited by Geza Vermes, Fergus Millar, Matthew Black, and Martin Goodman ; literary editor Pamela Vermes
Page. NO : volumes 1-3 parts 1-2 :: genealogical tables ;; 22 cm
ISBN : 9781472520166
: : 1472520165
: : 9780567501615
: : 0567501612
: : 9780567298911
: : 0567298914
: : 9780567070241
: : 0567070247
: : 9780567130167
: : 0567130169
Notes : Translated from the German
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index (pages 893-1009)
Contents : V.1. Prefaces -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Scope and purpose of the work -- Auxiliary sciences: archaeology, geography, chronology, numismatics, epigraphy. The Sources -- Two books of the Maccabees -- Non-Extant sources -- Jason of Cyrene -- History of Hyrcanus -- Poisdonius of Apamea -- Timagenes of Alexandria -- Asinius Pollio -- Hypsicrates -- Q. Dellius -- Strabo -- Herod's memoirs -- Ptolemaeus -- Vespasian's Commentarii -- Antonius Julianus -- Justus of Tiberias -- Ariston of Pella -- Papyrus Fragments -- Teucer of Cyzicus -- Various works -- Chronographers. Josephus. Greek and Latin authors. Rabbinic Literature -- Talmudic Literature -- Midrashim -- Targums -- Historical works. Manuscripts from the Judaean Desert. Part one. First Period from Antiochus Epiphanes to the capture of Jerusalem by Pompey. Maccabaean rising and the Age of Independence 175 B.C.-63 B.C. Survey of the history of Syria in the last centuries of Seleucid Rule -- Religious crisis and revolution 175-164 B.C. -- Judas Maccabaeus 164-161 B.C. -- Jonathan 161-143 B.C. -- Simon 143/2-135/4 B.C. -- John Hyrcannus I 135/4-104 B.C. -- Aristobulus I 104-103 B.C. -- Alexander Jannaeus 103-76 B.C. -- Alexandra 76-67 B.C. -- Aristobulus II 67-63 B.C. Second Period from the Capture of Jerusalem by Pompey to the Hadrianic War. Roman-Herodian Age 63 B.C.-A.D. 135. Survey of the Roman province of Syria from 63 B.C. to A.D. 70 -- Hyrcanus II 63-40 B.C. Rise of Antipater and his sons Phasael and Herod -- Antigonus 40-37 B.C. -- Herod the Great 37-4 B.C. -- Disturbances after Herod's Death 4 B.C. -- From the death of Herod the Great to Agrippa I 4 B.C.-AD 41 the sons of Herod -- Phillip 4 B.C.-A.D. 33/4 -- Herod Antipas 4 B.C.-A.D. 39 -- Archelaus 4 B.C.-A.D. 6 -- Judaea under Roman governors A.D. 6-41 -- Excursus I the Census of Quirinius -- Excursus II Josephus on Jesus and James. Agrippa I A.D. 37, 40, 41-44 -- Roman procurators A.D. 44-66 -- Excursus-Agrippa II A.D. 50-(?)92/3. Great war with Rome A.D. (?)66-74 -- Outbreak and triumph of the revolution A.D. 66 -- War in Galilee A.D. 67 -- From the subjugation of Galilee to the siege of Jerusalem A.D. 68-69 -- Seige and capture of Jerusalem A.D. 70 -- Sequel to the war A.D. (?) 71-74. From the destruction of Jerusalem to the downfall of Bar Kokhba -- Conditions in Palestine from Vespasian to Hadrian -- Wars under Trajan A.D. 115-117 -- Great Revolt under Hadrian A.D. 132-135. Appendices -- History of Chalcis, Ituraea and Abilene -- History of Nabataean Kings -- Principal features of the Jewish calendar -- Hebrew coins -- Parallel years of the Olympic, Seleucid and Christian eras -- Seleucids -- Hasmonaean family -- Herodian family
: V.2. Prefaces -- Abbreviations. Cultural setting -- Population and language -- Spread of Hellenism -- Position of Judaism in regard to Paganism. Political institutions -- Helenistic cities -- Raphia -- Gaza -- Anthedon -- Ascalon -- Azotus -- Jamnia -- Joppa -- Apollonia -- Straton's Tower -- Dora -- Ptolemais -- Damascus -- Hippus -- Gadara -- Abila -- Raphana -- Kanata? -- Kanatha -- Scythopolis -- Pella -- Dium -- Gerasa -- Philadelphia -- Samaria -- Gaba -- Esbon or Hesbon -- Antipatris -- Phasaelis -- Caesarea Panias -- ?Julias -- Sepphoris -- Julias or Livias -- Tiberius. Jewish region. Sanhedrin -- History of the Sanhedrin -- Composition of the Sanhedrin -- Competence of the Sanhedrin -- Time and place of sessions -- Judicial procedure. High Priests. Priesthood and Temple worship -- Priesthood as a class -- Priestly dues -- Priestly offices -- Daily worship. Gentile participation in worship at Jerusalem -- Torah scholarship -- Canonicity of scripture -- Torah scholars and their work in general -- Halakhah and Haggadah -- Major Torah scholars. Pharisees and Sadducees. School and Synagogue: community organization, officers, buildings, worship. Shema and the Shemoneh Esreh: life and the law, general remarks, Sabbath observance, purity laws, ritualism, social changes and the law. Messianism -- Relation to the older Messianic hope -- Elijah as precursor -- Coming of the Messiah -- Last assault of the hostile powers -- Destruction of hostile powers -- Renewal of Jerusalem -- Gathering of the dispersed -- Kingdom of Glory in the Holy Land -- Renewal of the world -- General resurrection -- Last Judgement: Eternal bliss and damnation. -- Suffering Messiah. Qumran Messiahs and Messianism. Essenes -- Essenes according to Philo, Josephus and Pliny -- Organization of the community -- Ethics, customs and usages -- Religious thought. Qumran Community according to the Dead Sea Scrolls -- Organization of the Qumran Community -- Doctrine and religious observances -- Qumran Community and the Essenes. Origin and history of the Essenes -- Therapeutae. Philo's account. Therapeutae -- Essenes -- Qumran. Relationship between Therapeutae and Essenes. Fourth philosophy: Sicarii and Zealots
: V.3 pt.1. Prefaces. Abbreviations. Judaisim in the diaspora: gentiles and Judaism -- Geographical Survey -- Mesopotamia, Media, Babylonia -- Dura-Europos -- Syria -- Arabian Peninsula -- Asia Minor -- North Coast of the Black Sea -- Egypt: lower Egypt, middle Egypt, upper Egypt -- Cyrenaica -- Africa -- Macedonia and Greece -- Greek Islands -- Balkans -- Rome -- Italy -- Spain, Gaul and Germany. Internal organization of the communities. Constitutional position of the communities. Civic rights. Religious life. Gentiles and Judaism: 'God-Fearers' and proselytes. Jewish literature composed in Hebrew or Aramaic: preliminary remarks -- Historiography -- First book of Maccabees -- History of John Hyrcanus -- Josephus -- history of the Jewish War. Religious poetry -- Maccabaean Psalms -- Apocryphal Psalms -- Psalms of Solomon. Wisdom literature -- Jesus Sirach or Jesus ben Sira -- Wisdom literature from Qumran. Pirqê Abôth. Diactic and Paraenetical stories -- Book of Judith -- Book of Tobit -- Story of Ahiqar. Prophetic-Apocalyptic pseudepigrpha -- Book of Daniel -- Ethiopic Book of Enoch -- Assumption or Testament of Moses -- Apocalypse of Abraham -- Chronicles of Jeremiah -- Fourth Book of Ezra -- Qumran pseudepigraphic prophecies. Biblical Midrash -- Book of Jubilees -- Genesis apocryphon from Qumran -- Pseudo-Philo's book of biblical antiquities -- Book of Noah -- Testament of Kohath -- Testament of Amram -- Samuel apocryphon -- Martyrdom of Isaiah -- Apocryphal fragments. Incantations and books of magic -- Sefer ha-Razim (The Book of Mysteries = ShR) -- Harba de Mosheh (The Sword of Moses = HdM) -- Incantation bowls and amulets in Hebrew and Aramaic -- Jewish magical texts preserved in Greek -- Theurgy in the Hekhalot texts -- Dead Sea Scrolls -- Rabbinic physiognomy -- Treatise of Shem (= TrShem) -- Testament of Solomon (= TSol). Writings of the Qumran Community -- Rules -- Community rule or Manual of discipline -- Rule of the congregation or Messianic rule -- Damascus rule or Zadokite fragments -- War rule -- Temple Scroll. Bible interpretation -- Interpretation of particular books -- Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen) -- Ages of the Creation (4Q180) -- Blessings of Jacob (4QPBless) -- Pentateuch anthology (4Q158) -- Words of Moses (1QDM = 1Q22) -- Commentaries on Isaiah -- New Jerusalem -- Commentaries on Hosea (4QpHos = 4Q166-167) -- Commentary on Micah (1QpMic = 1Q14) -- Commentary on Nahum (4QpNah = 4Q169) -- Commentary on Habakkuk (1QpHab) -- Commentaries on Zephaniah (1Q15 and 1Q70) -- Commentaries on the Psalms (4QpPss a-b or 4Q171, 173) -- Prayer of Nabonidus (4QprNab) -- Pseudo-Daniel cycle (4QpsDan ar a-c). Interpretation of diverse Biblical texts -- Ordinances or commentaries on Biblical laws (4Q159, 513, 514) -- Florilegium or Midrash on the last days (QFlor = 4Q174) -- Testimonia or Messianic Anthology (4QTest = 4Q174) -- Tanhumim or words of consolation (4QTanh = 4Q176) -- Catena or Midrash on the Psalms (4Q177) -- Melchizedek Midrash (11QMelch). Poetry -- Hodayoth or thanksgiving hymns (1QH). Liturgical texts -- Master's blessings (1QSb) -- Blessings and curses -- Daily prayers -- Prayers for festivals -- Marriage ritual (?) (4Q502) -- Angelic liturgy or Serekh Shiroth 'olath ha-Shabbath -- Small liturgical fragments. Miscellaneous texts -- 'Horoscopes' (4QCryptic = 4Q186) -- Calendars -- Copper scroll (3Q15). Jewish literature composed in Greek. Introduction -- Translation of the Canonical Bible -- Septuagint -- Aquila and Theodotion. Translations into Greek of non-scriptural semitic texts. Prose literature about the past -- Demetrius -- Eupolemus -- Artapanus -- Aristeas the Exegete -- Cleodemus or Malchus -- Anonymous writer (Pseudo-Eupolemus) -- Jason of Cyrene and the Second Book of Maccabees -- Third Book of Maccabees -- Philo's historical writings -- Thallus -- Josephus -- Justus of Tiberias -- Joseph and Asenath -- Testament of Job -- Lost Greek histories written by Jews. Epic poetry and drama -- Philo the epic poet -- Theodotus -- Ezekiel the tragic poet. Philosophy -- Wisdom of Solomon -- Aristobulus -- Philo -- Fourth Book of Maccabees. Apologetics. Literary Opponents -- Manetho -- Mnaseas -- Apollonius Molon -- Lysimachus -- Chaeremon -- Apion -- Other literary opponents. Jewish Apologetics. Jewish writings under gentile pseudonyms -- Sibylline oracles -- [Hystaspes] -- Forged verses of Greek poets -- Dubious Fragments under gentile names for which a Jewish origin has been claimed -- [Letters of Heraclitus] -- [Letter of Diogenes] -- [Hermippus] -- [Numenius] -- [Hermes Trismegistus] -- [Greek Chronographers] -- Pseudo-Tages. Orator Caecilius of Calacte
: V.3 pt.2. Jewish literature of which the original language is uncertain. Revision and completion of Biblical literature -- Greek Ezra or I Esdras -- Additions to Esther -- Additions to Daniel -- Prayer of Manasseh -- Book of Baruch (=1 Baruch) -- Letter of Jeremiah. Pseudepigraphic Apocalypses -- 2 (Slavonic) Enoch -- Syriac Apocalyps of Baruch (=2 Baruch). Biblical Midrash -- Life of Adam and Eve (Apocalypse of Moses) -- Appendix: Other writings about Adam -- Testament of Abraham -- Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs -- Book of Jannes and Jambres -- Book of Eldad and Modad -- Lives of the Prophets. Appendix: Works of Uncertain (Jewish or Christian) origin -- Odes of Solomon -- Greek Apocalypse of Baruch (3 Baruch) -- Apocryphon of Ezekiel -- Lost Pseudepigrapha -- Prayer of Joseph -- Apocalypse of Elijah -- Apocalyps of Zephaniah -- Small Fragments of anonymous Jewish literature in Christian texts. Jewish philosopher Philo -- Life and Works -- Philo's philosophical thought
Subject : Jews-- History-- 168 B.C.-135 A.D
Subject : Judaism-- History-- Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D
Subject : Greek literature-- Jewish authors-- History and criticism
LC Classification : ‭DS122‬‭.S422 2014‬
Added Entry : Millar, Fergus
: Vermès, Géza,1924-2013
: Black, Matthew
: Goodman, Martin,1953-
: Vermes, Pamela
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