رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The fly neuromuscular junction : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 652571
Doc. No : dltt
Title & Author : The fly neuromuscular junction : : structure and function /\ edited by Vivian Budnik and Catalina Ruiz-Cañada
Edition Statement : Second edition
Series Statement : International review of neurobiology ;; v. 75
Page. NO : xiv, 406 pages, 12 unnumbered leaves of plates :: illustrations (some color) ;; 24 cm
ISBN : 0123736137
: : 9780123736130
Notes : Rev. ed. of: Neuromuscular junctions in Drosophila / edited by Vivian Budnik and L. Sian Gramates. 1999
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index
Contents : Cover -- Copyright page -- Table of contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction on the Use of The Drosophila Embryonic/Larval Neuromuscular Junction As A Model System to Study Synapse Development and Function, and A Brief Summary of Pathfinding and Target Recognition -- I. Introduction -- II. Some History -- III. The Larval NMJ Is Highly Tractable -- IV. Methodology to Study NMJ Development -- V. Pathfinding at the Larval NMJ -- A. The Motor Pathways -- B. Axon Choice Points -- C. Axon Fasciculation -- VI. Synaptic Target Recognition -- A. Targeting Accuracy -- B. Attractant Molecules During Synaptic Target Recognition -- C. Repulsive Molecules During Synaptic Target Recognition -- VII. Dynamics of the Target Muscle -- VIII. Conclusions -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 2: Development and Structure of Motoneurons -- I. Introduction -- II. Development of Motoneurons -- A. Early Specification Programs -- B. Motoneuron Subclasses: Specification of Ventrally Versus Dorsally Projecting Motoneurons -- C. Ventrally Projecting Motoneurons -- D. Dorsally Projecting Motoneurons -- E. Motoneuron Specification Programs Are Conserved -- F. Specification of Unique Motoneuron Identities -- G. From Motoneuron Determinants to Axon Trajectories -- III. Class-Specific Patterns of Axonal Trajectories -- A. Subsets Within the Class of Ventrally Projecting Motoneurons -- B.A Hierarchy of Nerve Branching -- IV. Dendritic Development -- A. Dendrites: Conservation Between Insects and Vertebrates -- B. Organization of the Motor System: Coordinated Patterning of Pre-and Postsynaptic Terminals -- C. Regulation of Dendritic Patterning -- V. Conclusions -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 3: The Development of The Drosophila Larval Body Wall Muscles -- I. Introduction -- II. Muscle Specification -- III. Muscle Identity -- IV. Myoblast Fusion -- V. Muscle Attachment -- VI. Concluding Remarks -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 4: Organization of the Efferent System and Structure of Neuromuscular Junctions In Drosophila -- I. Introduction -- II. General Organization of the Efferent System -- III. Neuromodulation? The Organization of Type-II and Type-III Terminals -- IV. Synaptic Junctions: The Development, Morphology, and Classification of Type-I Terminals -- V. Ultrastructure of Neuromuscular Synapses -- VI. Conclusions -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 5: Development of Motoneuron Electrical Properties and Motor Output -- I. Introduction -- II. Development of Electrical Properties in Motoneurons -- III. Development of Synaptic Connectivity -- IV. Regulation of Membrane Excitability -- V. Regulation of Synaptic Connectivity -- A. Role of the Cell Adhesion Molecule FasciclinII -- B. TGF-beta Retrograde Signaling Strengthens Both Central and Peripheral Synapses -- VI. Summary -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 6: Transmitter Release at the Neuromuscular Junction -- I. Introduction -- II. Physiological Properties of Transmitter Release -- III. Experimental Advantages and Limitations of the Fly NMJ -- A. Ca2+ Measurements -- B. Dye Loading -- C. Alterna
Abstract : The Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has become one of the most powerful model systems to ask key neurobiological questions. This synapse is unparalleled by its accessibility, its simplicity, and the ability to manipulate genes important for synapse development and function. Its synapses have properties shared by many organisms including humans. The vast majority of genes that when mutated cause congenital disorders of the nervous system in humans, are present in the fruit fly genome, and fly models of human disorders are available. Thus, this preparation is a powerful tool to understand the normal function of these genes
Subject : Drosophila melanogaster-- Nervous system
Subject : Fruit-flies-- Nervous system
Subject : Myoneural junction
Subject : Drosophila melanogaster-- Development
Subject : Fruit-flies-- Development
Added Entry : Budnik, Vivian
: Ruiz-Cãnada, Catalina
کپی لینک

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