" Censuses, surveys, and privacy / "
edited by Martin Bulmer
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
Censuses, surveys, and privacy /\ edited by Martin Bulmer
Page. NO
xiii, 279 pages ;; 23 cm
: 9780841905368
: 0333262220
: 9780333262221
: 0333262239
: 9780333262238
Includes bibliographical references ([249]-260)
The impact of privacy upon social research / Martin Bulmer -- Privacy in modern industrial society / Edward Shils -- Does research threaten privacy or does privacy threaten research? / British Association Study Group -- Introduction / Martin Bulmer -- Survey research and privacy / SCPR working party -- The issue of privacy in public opinion research / Robert O. Carlson -- Resistance to community surveys / Eric Josephson -- Is the public acceptability of social survey research declining? / American Statistical Association -- Introduction / Martin Bulmer -- Census confidentiality in Britain / C. Hakim -- Parliament and the British census since 1920 / Martin Bulmer -- Invasion of privacy: the case of the United States census / Conrad Taeuber -- The protection of privacy and the United States census / William Petersen -- Census-taking and the debate on privacy : a sociological view / David R. Cope -- Maintaining public confidence in quantitative social research / Martin Bulmer -- Strengthening public confidence in social survey research: the British case / SCPR working party -- Protecting statistical and research data from improper use / UK data protection committee -- Methods for assuring personal integrity in social research: an introduction / Robert F. Boruch
Confidential communications-- Social surveys
Confidential communications, Census
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
HN29.C42 1979
Added Entry
Bulmer, Martin
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