Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Uniform Title
Enthusiastisches Christentum.English
Main Entry
Hollenweger, Walter J.,1927-
Title & Author
The Pentecostals; : the charismatic movement in the churches\ [by] W.J. Hollenweger. [Translated by R.A. Wilson with revisions by the author.
Edition Statement
1st U.S. ed.].
Publication Statement
Minneapolis,: Augsburg Pub. House, [1972]
Page. NO
xx, 572 p.: illus.; 25 cm.
: 9780806612102
Translation of Enthusiastisches Christentum.
Bibliography: p. [523]-557.
Pentecost outside 'Pentecost' : speaking with tongues in the traditional churches of America -- 'In the upper room' : the rise of the American Pentecostal movement -- A church in spite of itself : the organization of the Assemblies of God into a church -- 'If I gained the world--' : holiness in the Church of God (Cleveland) -- 'Unto the end of the world' : the spread of Pentecostalism -- A worker founds the largest Protestant church in Latin America : Daniel Berg and the Assembléias de Deus in Brazil -- A religion by word of mouth : the Waldensian Luigi Francescon and the 'Congregação Cristã do Brasil' -- Brazilian illuminism : an attempt at an assessment of the Brazilian Pentecostal movement -- 'The full blessing of Pentecost' : Andrew Murray, John Alexander Dowie and the early days of the Pentecostal movement in South Africa -- Nicholas B. H. Bhengu : a charismatic African prophet -- 'Back to Pentecost' : the Latter Rain Assemblies as a protest movement against the decline of enthusiasm in the older Pentecostal churches -- uMoya : the Spirit in the Independent African churches -- A blending of aristocratic Anglicanism and Welsh revivalism : the origin of Pentecostalism in Great Britain -- Charisma and institutional organization : the Elim Pentecostal churches -- From a revival fellowship within the existing churches to an independent church : Donald Gee and the Assemblies of God -- The 'legend of the diabolical origin' of Pentecostalism demythologized : the origin of the Pentecostal movement in Germany -- The attempt to set up a Pentecostal movement within the Reformation tradition : the Mülheim Association of Christian Fellowships -- Charismatic revival within the established churches : a new chance? -- 'The religion of the proud poor' : the Pentecostal movement in Italy -- Christsomol versus Komsomol : the Pentecostal movement in Russia -- 'Back to the Bible' : the Pentecostal understanding of Scripture -- 'A crimson stream of blood' : the doctrine of the Trinity and Christology : 'Rolled away' : the doctrine of justification -- 'Showers of blessing' : the doctrine of the Spirit -- 'The day of miracles is still here' : healing by prayer and the doctrine of miracles -- Against principalities and powers : demonology -- 'Religion is what you must not do' : ethics -- 'In these last days' : eschatology -- Not an organization, but an organism : ecclesiology -- 'Islands of humanity' : a sociological assessment -- Practice as a theological statement : a theological assessment -- Appendix : declarations of faith.
Surveys the history of the Pentecostal movement in the Americas, Europe, and Africa and discusses the beliefs and practices that have contributed to its development.
LC Classification