" Auroral phenomenology and magnetospheric processes : "
Andreas Keiling, Eric Donovan, Fran Bagenal, and Tomas Karlsson, editors
Document Type
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Title & Author
Auroral phenomenology and magnetospheric processes : : Earth and other planets /\ Andreas Keiling, Eric Donovan, Fran Bagenal, and Tomas Karlsson, editors
Series Statement
Geophysical monograph,; 197
Page. NO
443 pages 27 cm
: 0875904874
Includes bibliographical references and index
Preface -- Section I: Introduction -- Comparative Auroral Physics: Earth and Other Planets -- Section II: Auroral Phenomenology: Auroral Morphology: A Historical Account and Major Auroral Features During Auroral Substorms -- Auroral Substorms, Poleward Boundary Activations, Auroral Streamers, Omega Bands, and Onset Precursor Activity -- A Review of Pulsating Aurora -- Transpolar Arcs: Summary and Recent Results -- Coherence in Auroral Fine Structure -- Ground-Based Aurora Conjugacy and Dynamic Tracing of Geomagnetic Conjugate Points -- Auroral Asymmetries in the Conjugate Hemispheres and Interhemispheric Currents -- Auroral Processes on Jupiter and Saturn -- Aurora in Martian Mini Magnetospheres -- When Moons Create Aurora: The Satellite Footprints on Giant Planets --
Section III: Aurora and Ionospheric Electrodynamics: Auroral Arc Electrodynamics: Review and Outlook -- Mutual Evolution of Aurora and Ionospheric Electrodynamic Features Near the Harang Reversal During Substorms -- Imaging of Aurora to Estimate the Energy and Flux of Electron Precipitation -- Current Closure in the Auroral Ionosphere: Results From the Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure Rocket Mission -- Auroral Disturbances as a Manifestation of Interplay Between Large-Scale and Mesoscale Structure of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamical Coupling -- Auroral Signatures of Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling at Jupiter and Saturn -- Clues on Ionospheric Electrodynamics From IR Aurora at Jupiter and Saturn --
Section IV: Discrete Auroral Acceleration -- The Acceleration Region of Stable Auroral Arcs -- The Search for Double Layers in Space Plasmas -- Alfveń Wave Acceleration of Auroral Electrons in Warm Magnetospheric Plasma -- Multispacecraft Observations of Auroral Acceleration by Cluster -- Fine-Scale Characteristics of Black Aurora and Its Generation Process -- Two-Step Acceleration of Auroral Particles at Substorm Onset as Derived From Auroral Kilometric Radiation Spectra -- Auroral Ion Precipitation and Acceleration at the Outer Planets -- Satellite-Induced Electron Acceleration and Related Auroras -- Auroral Processes Associated With Saturn's Moon Enceladus --
Section V: Aurora and Magnetospheric Dynamics: Auroral Signatures of the Dynamic Plasma Sheet --Magnetotail Aurora Connection: The Role of Thin Current Sheets -- Auroral Generators: A Survey -- The Relationship Between Magnetospheric Processes and Auroral Field-Aligned Current Morphology -- Magnetospheric Dynamics and the Proton Aurora -- The Origin of Pulsating Aurora: Modulated Whistler Mode Chorus Waves -- Auroral Signatures of Ballooning Mode Near Substorm Onset: Open Geospace General Circulation Model Simulations -- Origins of Saturn's Auroral Emissions and Their Relationship to Large-Scale Magnetosphere Dynamics -- Auroral Signatures of Solar Wind Interaction at Jupiter
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series. Many of the most basic aspects of the aurora remain unexplained. While in the past terrestrial and planetary auroras have been largely treated in separate books, Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets takes a holistic approach, treating the aurora as a fundamental process and discussing the phenomenology, physics, and relationship with the respective planetary magnetospheres in one volume
Magnetospheric physics
Added Entry
Keiling, Andreas
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