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Main Entry
Bala, B. K., (Bilash Kanti)
Title & Author
Drying and storage of cereal grains /\ B.K. Bala
Edition Statement
Second edition
Second edition
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 1119124204
9781119124597 (epub)
9781119124245 (Adobe PDF)
Includes bibliographical references and index
Title Page ; Copyright; Contents; Foreword to the Second Edition; Foreword to the First Edition; Preface; Chapter 1 Principles of Drying; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Losses of Crops; 1.3 Importance of Drying; 1.4 Principles of Drying; Reference; Further Reading; Chapter 2 Moisture Contents and Equilibrium Moisture Content Models ; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Moisture Content Representation; 2.3 Determination of Moisture Content; 2.3.1 Direct Methods; 2.3.2 Indirect Methods; 2.4 Grain Sampling; 2.5 Equilibrium Moisture Content; 2.6 Determination of Static Equilibrium Moisture Content
2.7 Static Equilibrium Moisture Content Models2.8 Net Isosteric Heat of Sorption; Exercises ; References; Chapter 3 Psychrometry ; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Psychrometric Terms; 3.2.1 Humidity Ratio; 3.2.2 Relative Humidity; 3.2.3 Specific Volume; 3.2.4 Vapour Pressure; 3.2.5 Dry Bulb Temperature; 3.2.6 Dew Point Temperature; 3.2.7 Wet Bulb Temperature; 3.2.8 Enthalpy; 3.2.9 Adiabatic Wet Bulb Temperature; 3.2.10 Psychrometric Wet Bulb Temperature; 3.3 Construction of Psychrometric Chart; 3.4 Use of Psychrometric Chart; 3.4.1 Sensible Heating and Cooling; 3.4.2 Heating with Humidification
3.4.3 Cooling with Humidification3.4.4 Cooling with Dehumidification; 3.4.5 Drying; 3.4.6 Mixing of Air Streams; 3.4.7 Heat Addition with Air Mixing; 3.4.8 Drying with Recirculation; Exercises ; References; Further Reading; Chapter 4 Physical and Thermal Properties of Cereal Grains ; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Structure of Cereal Grains; 4.3 Physical Dimensions; 4.4 1000 Grain Weight; 4.5 Bulk Density; 4.6 Shrinkage; 4.7 Friction; 4.7.1 Angle of Internal Friction and Angle of Repose; 4.7.2 Coefficient of Friction; 4.8 Specific Heat; 4.9 Thermal Conductivity; 4.9.1 Theory
4.9.2 Apparatus and Measurement4.10 Latent Heat of Vaporization of Grain Moisture; 4.10.1 Determination of Latent Heat of Vaporization of a Grain; 4.11 Heat Transfer Coefficient of Grain Bed; 4.11.1 Dimensional Analysis; 4.11.2 Comparison of Theory and Experiment; 4.11.3 Determination of Volumetric Heat Transfer Coefficient; Exercises; References; Further Reading; Chapter 5 Airflow Resistance and Fans ; 5.1 Airflow Resistance; 5.1.1 Non-linear Airflow Analysis; 5.2 Fans; 5.2.1 Fan Performance; 5.2.2 Centrifugal Fan Laws; 5.2.3 Fan Selection; 5.2.4 Effect of Change in Fan Speed
5.2.5 Effect of Change in Speed and System Resistance5.2.6 Fans in Series and Parallel; 5.3 Duct Design for On-Floor Drying and Storage System; Exercises ; References; Chapter 6 Thin Layer Drying of Cereal Grains ; 6.1 Theory; 6.2 Thin Layer Drying Equations; 6.2.1 Empirical Drying Equations; 6.2.2 Theoretical Drying Equations; 6.2.3 Semi-Theoretical Drying Equations; 6.2.4 Comparison of Thin Layer Drying Equations; 6.3 Development of Thin Layer Drying Equations; 6.3.1 Drying Rate; 6.4 Drying Parameters; 6.4.1 Drying Rate Constant and Diffusion Coefficient
Grain-- Drying.
Grain-- Storage.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
SB189.7.B35 2016eb
Added Entry
Ohio Library and Information Network.