رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Multiple criteria decision analysis : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 668504
Doc. No : dltt
Title & Author : Multiple criteria decision analysis : : state of the art surveys /\ Salvatore Greco, Matthias Ehrgott, José Rui Figueira, editors
Edition Statement : Second edition
: Second edition
Series Statement : International series in operations research & management science ;; v. 233
Page. NO : 1 online resource (2 volumes) :: illustrations.
ISBN : 9781493930937
: : 9781493930944
: : 149393094X
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index
Contents : List of Figures; List of Tables; Introduction ; 1 Ten Years of Success of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis and Reasons for This New Edition; 2 Human Reflection About Decision; 3 Technical Reflection About Decision: MCDA Researchers Before MCDA; 4 Reasons for This Collection of State-of-the-Art Surveys; 5 A Guided Tour of the Book; 5.1 Part I: The History and Current State of MCDA; 5.2 Part II: Foundations of MCDA; 5.3 Part III: Outranking Methods; 5.4 Part IV: Multi-attribute Utility and Value Theories; 5.5 Part V: Non-classical MCDA Approaches
: 5.6 Part VI: Multiobjective Optimization5.7 Part VII: Applications; 5.8 Part VIII: MCDM Software; References; Volume I; Part I The History and Current State of MCDA; 1 An Early History of Multiple Criteria Decision Making; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Early Developments; 1.2.1 Moral Algebra; 1.2.2 Some Early Voting Results; 1.2.3 Pareto-Optimality; 1.2.4 Indifference Curves and Edgeworth Box; 1.2.5 Set Theory, Number Theory; 1.3 Origins of Decision Analysis, Utility Theory; 1.3.1 Economics as a Modern Science; 1.3.2 Expected Subjective Utility; 1.3.3 Theory of Games; 1.3.4 Revealed Preferences
: 1.3.5 Bounded Rationality1.3.6 Social Choice and Individual Values; 1.3.7 Theory of Value; 1.3.8 Games and Decisions; 1.3.9 Behavioral Decision Theory; 1.3.10 Utility Theory; 1.3.11 The Òutranking Methods'; 1.4 Origins of Multiple Objective Mathematical Programming; 1.4.1 Efficient Vectors; 1.4.2 Goal Programming; 1.4.3 Parametric Programming; 1.4.4 Automatic Control; 1.4.5 Restricted Bargaining; 1.5 Conclusion; 2 Paradigms and Challenges; 2.1 What Are the Expectations that Multicriteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) Responds To?; 2.1.1 What Is Reasonable to Expect from Decision Aiding (DA)?
: 2.1.2 Why Is DA More Often Multicriteria than Monocriterion?2.1.3 Can MCDA Be Always Totally Objective?; 2.2 Three Basic Concepts; 2.2.1 Alternative, and More Generally, Potential Action; 2.2.2 Criterion and Family of Criteria; 2.2.3 Problematic as a Way in Which DA May Be Envisaged; 2.3 How to Take into Account Imperfect Knowledge and Ill-Determination?; 2.4 An Operational Point of View; 2.4.1 About Multicriteria Aggregation Procedures; 2.4.2 Approach Based on a Synthesizing Criterion; 2.4.3 The Operational Approach Based on a Synthesizing Preference Relational System
: 2.4.4 About Other Operational Approaches2.5 Conclusion; References; Part II Foundations of MCDA; 3 Preference Modelling; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Purpose; 3.3 Nature of Information; 3.4 Notation and Basic Definitions; 3.5 Languages; 3.5.1 Classic Logic; 3.5.2 Fuzzy Sets; 3.5.3 Four-Valued Logics; 3.6 Preference Structures ; 3.6.1 ""426830A P, I ""526930B Structures; 3.6.2 Extended Structures; Preference Relations on n Ordered Points; Several Preference Relations; Incomparability; 3.6.3 Valued Structures; 3.7 Domains and Numerical Representations
Abstract : In two volumes, this new edition presents the state of the art in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).℗l Reflecting the explosive growth in the field seen during the last several years, the editors not only present surveys of the foundations of MCDA, but look as well at many new areas and new applications.℗l Individual chapter authors are among the most prestigious names in MCDA research, and combined their chapters bring the field completely up to date. Part I of the book considers the history and current state of MCDA, with surveys that cover the early history of MCDA and an overview that discusses the ĺlpre-theoreticalĺl assumptions of MCDA.℗l Part II then presents the foundations of MCDA, with individual chapters that provide a very exhaustive review of preference modeling, along with a chapter devoted to the axiomatic basis of the different models that multiple criteria preferences.℗l Part III looks at outranking methods, with three chapters that consider the ELECTRE methods, PROMETHEE methods, and a look at the rich literature of other outranking methods. Part IV, on Multiattribute Utility and Value Theories (MAUT), presents chapters on the fundamentals of this approach, the very well known UTA methods, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its more recent extension, the Analytic Network Process (ANP), as well as a chapter on MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique).℗l Part V looks at Non-Classical MCDA Approaches, with chapters on risk and uncertainty in MCDA, the decision rule approach to MCDA, the fuzzy integral approach, the verbal decision methods, and a tentative assessment of the role of fuzzy sets in decision analysis. Part VI, on Multiobjective Optimization, contains chapters on recent developments of vector and set optimization, the state of the art in continuous multiobjective programming, multiobjective combinatorial optimization, fuzzy multicriteria optimization, a review of the field of goal programming, interactive methods for solving multiobjective optimization problems, and relationships between MCDA and evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO).℗l Part VII, on Applications, selects some of the most significant areas, including contributions of MCDA in finance, energy planning problems, telecommunication network planning and design, sustainable development, and portfolio analysis.℗l Finally, Part VIII, on MCDM software, presents well known MCDA software packages
Subject : Multiple criteria decision making.
Dewey Classification : ‭658.4/033‬
LC Classification : ‭T57.95‬‭.M86 2016‬
Added Entry : Greco, Salvatore
: Ehrgott, Matthias
: Figueira, José
Added Entry : Ohio Library and Information Network.
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