" Filmography of social issues : "
Charles P. Mitchell
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
Mitchell, Charles P.,1949-
Title & Author
Filmography of social issues : : a reference guide /\ Charles P. Mitchell
Publication Statement
Westport, Conn. :: Greenwood Press,, c2004
Page. NO
x, 318 p. ;; 24 cm
0313320373 (alk. paper)
Includes index
"This specialized filmography first identifies and discusses twenty important social issues that have recurred in films over the years. In addition to the films critiqued here, other related titles are listed under each topic. The 100 films discussed in this volume, presented alphabetically in standard reference format, cover a wide spectrum of film perspectives and genres. Many of the films are American made; others are European; all are English language. Each film entry identifies the prominent social theme or themes and presents full credit information, including the major actors involved. The overview section, which briefly describes why the film was selected, is followed by a concise plot synopsis. Finally the critique gives pertinent background information, commentary, analysis, and evaluation." "This filmography should be valuable both as a reference tool for library film study collections and as a video collection development guide. Educators will find it useful for incorporating film into the language arts and social curriculum, particularly for teaching thematic units and integrated studies." --Book Jacket
Motion pictures-- United States-- Plots, themes, etc
Social problems in motion pictures
LC Classification
PN1995.9.S62M58 2004
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