رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The match : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 701721
Doc. No : b523910
Main Entry : Whitehouse, Beth,1961-
Title & Author : The match : : "savior siblings" and one family's battle to heal their daughter /\ Beth Whitehouse
Publication Statement : Boston :: Beacon Press,, c2010
Page. NO : xi, 255 p. ;; 24 cm
ISBN : 0807072869 (hardcover : alk. paper)
: : 9780807072868 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subject : Trebing, Katie-- Health
Subject : Anemia in children-- Patients-- New York (State)-- New York, Biography
Subject : Bone marrow-- Transplantation-- Patients-- New York (State)-- New York, Biography
Subject : Fertilization in vitro, Human
Subject : Procurement of organs, tissues, etc
Subject : Pure red cell aplasia-- Patients-- New York (State)-- New York, Biography
Subject : Anemia, Diamond-Blackfan-- therapy
Subject : Child
Subject : Directed Tissue Donation-- ethics
Subject : Ethics, Clinical
Subject : Preimplantation Diagnosis-- ethics
Subject : Reproductive Techniques, Assisted
Subject : Siblings
LC Classification : ‭RJ416.A6‬‭T74 2010‬
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