رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" HTML5 : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 705162
Doc. No : b527351
Main Entry : Pilgrim, Mark
Title & Author : HTML5 : : up and running /\ Mark Pilgrim
Edition Statement : 1st ed
Publication Statement : Sebastopol, CA :: O'Reilly,, 2010
Page. NO : xii, 205 p. :: ill. ;; 24 cm
ISBN : 0596806027 (pbk.)
: : 9780596806026 (pbk.)
Notes : "Dive into the future of Web development"--Cover
: "O'Reilly/Google Press"--Cover
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index
Contents : How did we get here? -- Detecting HTML5 features -- What does it all mean? -- Let's call it a draw(ing surface) -- Video on the Web -- You are here (and so is everybody else) -- The past, present, and future of local storage for Web applications -- Let's take this offline -- A form of madness -- "Distribued," "Extensibility," and other fancy words
Abstract : With this book you will learn how HTML5 enables browsers to interact with JavaScript much more easily than before. You will learn how it can help you develop applications that display video directly in the browser, without having to rely on plugins and much more
Subject : HTML (Document markup language)
Subject : Web site development
Dewey Classification : ‭004‬
LC Classification : ‭QA76.76.H94‬‭P54 2010‬
Parallel Title : Hyper Text Markup Language 5
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