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Title & Author
What is your dangerous idea? : : today's leading thinkers on the unthinkable /\ edited by John Brockman ; with an introduction by Steven Pinker and an afterword by Richard Dawkins.
Edition Statement
1st ed.
Publication Statement
New York :: Harper Perennial,, c2007.
Page. NO
xxxiii, 301 p. ;; 21 cm.
: 9780061214950
Modern science is a product of biology / Arnold Trehub -- No more teacher's dirty looks / Roger C. Schank -- We are all virtual / Clifford Pickover -- Runaway consumerism explains the Fermi paradox / Geoffrey Miller -- Simulation versus authenticity / Sherry Turkle -- Culture is natural / Dan Sperber -- The human brain is a cultural artifact / Timothy Taylor -- Free will is exercised unconsciously / Eric R. Kandel -- Free will is going away / Clay Shirky -- The limits of introspection / Mahzarin R. Banaji -- What we know may not change us / Barry C. Smith -- Telling more than we can know / Richard E. Nisbett -- The quick-thinking zombies inside us / Andy Clark -- The banality of evil, the banality of heroism / Philip G. Zimbardo -- Open-source currency / Douglas Rushkoff -- Is the West already on a downhill course? / David Bodanis -- Technology can untie the United States / Juan Enriquez -- Democracy may be on its way out / Haim Harari -- Marx was right : the state will evaporate / James O'Donnell -- Following Sisyphus / Howard Gardner -- How can I trust, in the face of so many unknowables? / Ernst Pppel -- A twenty-four-hour period of absolute solitude / Leo M. Chalupa.
Our universal moral grammar's immunity to religion / Marc D. Hauser -- Bertrand Russell's dangerous idea / Nicholas Humphrey -- Hodgepodge morality / David Pizarro -- We will understand the origin of life within the next five years / Robert Shapiro -- Understanding molecular biology without discovering the origins of life / George Dyson -- The problem with super mirrors / Marco Iacoboni -- Cyberdisinhibition / Daniel Goleman -- Brains cannot become minds without bodies / Alun Anderson -- What are people well informed about in the information age? / David Gelernter -- More anonymity is good / Kevin Kelly -- A new golden age of medicine / Paul W. Ewald -- Using medications to change personality / Samuel Barondes -- Drugs may change the patterns of human love / Helen Fisher -- A marriage option for all / David G. Myers -- Choosing the sex of one's child / Diane F. Halpern -- The idea of ideas / Seth Lloyd -- The human brain will never understand the universe / Karl Sabbagh -- The world may be fundamentally inexplicable / Lawrence M. Krauss -- The "landscape' / Leonard Susskind -- Seeing Darwin in the light of Einstein ; Seeing Einstein in the light of Darwin / Lee Smolin -- The multiverse / Brian Greene --
Tribal peoples often damage their environments and make war / Jared Diamond -- Nothing / Charles Seife -- Everything is pointless / Susan Blackmore -- There aren't enough minds to house the population explosion of memes / Daniel C. Dennett -- Unspeakable ideas / Randolph M. Nesse -- Anty gravity : chaos theory in an all-too-practical sense / Kai Krause -- Navigating by new scientific principles / Rupert Sheldrake -- A political system based on empathy / Simon Baron-Cohen -- Social relativity / Tor Nrrtranders -- There is something new under the sun, us / Gregory Cochran -- A spoon is like a headache / Donald D. Hoffman -- Projection of the longevity curve / Gerald Holton -- The near-term inevitability of radical life extension and expansion / Ray Kurzweil -- The domestication of biotechnology / Freeman J. Dyson -- Public engagement in science and technology / Philip Campbell -- Suppose Faulkner was right? / Joel Garreau -- What if the unknown becomes known and is not replaced with a new unknown? / Eric Fischl -- Where goods cross frontiers, armies won't / Michael Shermer -- Government is the problem, not the solution / Matt Ridley -- The free market / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi --
We have no souls / John Horgan -- The rejection of soul / Paul Bloom -- The evolution of evil / David Buss -- The differences between humans and nonhumans are quantitative, not qualitative / Irene Pepperberg -- Groups of people may differ genetically in their average talents and temperaments / Steven Pinker -- The genetic basis of human behavior / J. Craig Venter -- Marionettes on genetic strings / Jerry Coyne -- Francis Crick's dangerous idea / V.S. Ramachandran -- Being alone in the universe / Rodney Brooks -- Life as an agent of energy dispersal / Scott D. Sampson -- We are entirely alone / Keith Devlin -- Science may be running out of control / Martin Rees -- Why I hope the standard model is wrong about why there is more matter than antimatter / Frank J. Tipler -- The idea that we understand plutonium / Jeremy Bernstein -- The idea that we should all share our most dangerous ideas / W. Daniel Hillis -- The idea that ideas can be dangerous / Daniel Gilbert -- The fight against global warming is lost / Paul C.W. Davies -- Think outside the Kyoto box / Gregory Benford -- Our planet is not in peril / Oliver Morton -- The effect of art can't be controlled or anticipated / April Gornik -- A "grand narrative" / Denis Dutton --
What twentieth-century physics says about the world might be true / Carlo Rovelli -- It's a matter of time / Paul Steinhardt -- A radical re-evaluation of the character of time / Piet Hut -- It's OK not to know everything / Marcelo Gleiser -- The end of insight / Steven Strogatz -- When will the Internet become aware of itself? / Terrence Sejnowski -- Democratizing access to the means of invention / Neil Gershenfeld -- Mind is a universally distributed quality / Rudy Rucker -- The forbidden fruit intuition / Thomas Metzinger -- The posterior probability of any particular god is pretty small / Philip W. Anderson -- Science must destroy religion / Sam Harris -- The self is a conceptual chimera / John Allen Paulos -- The greatest story every told / Carolyn C. Porco -- Science as just another religion / Jordan Pollack -- This is all there is / Robert R. Provine -- A science of the divine? / Stephen M. Kosslyn -- Science will never silence god / Jesse Bering -- Religion is the hope that is missing in science / Scott Atran -- Myths and fairy tales are not true / Todd E. Feinberg -- Parental licensure / David Lykken -- Zero parental influence / Judith Rich Harris -- The focus on emotional intelligence / John Gottman -- A cacophony of "controversy" / Alison Gopnik -- Applied history / Stewart Brand --
From Copernicus to Darwin, to current-day thinkers, scientists have always promoted theories and unveiled discoveries that challenge everything society holds dear; ideas with both positive and dire consequences. Many thoughts that resonate today are dangerous not because they are assumed to be false, but because they might turn out to be true. What do the world's leading scientists and thinkers consider to be their most dangerous idea? Through the leading online forum "Edge" (, the call went out, and this compelling and easily digestible volume collects the answers. From using medication to permanently alter our personalities to contemplating a universe in which we are utterly alone, to the idea that the universe might be fundamentally inexplicable, "What Is Your Dangerous Idea?" takes an unflinching look at the daring, breathtaking, sometimes terrifying thoughts that could forever alter our world and the way we live in it.
Intellectual life.
Science and civilization.
Science-- Moral and ethical aspects.
Science-- Philosophy.
Added Entry
Brockman, John,1941-