" Cervagem : "
edited by Sultan M.M. Karim.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Sultan M.M. Karim.
Title & Author
Cervagem : : a new prostaglandin in obstetrics and gynaecology Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, 31 July 1982.\ edited by Sultan M.M. Karim.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1983
Page. NO
(140 pages)
: 9789401172981
1 Comparison of the pharmacological and biochemical properties of ONO-802 (Cervagem) and the naturally occurring prostaglandins --;2 Clinical applications of prostaglandins in obstetrics and gynaecology --;Discussion 1 --;3 Preoperative cervical dilation: comparative study of Cervagem and Sulprostone in first trimester abortion --;4 Pre-evacuation cervical dilatation in termination of pregnancy --;5 Cervagem clinical trials review. Part 1: preoperative cervical dilatation in pregnant women --;Discussion 2 --;6 Clinical experience with selected prostaglandin analogues in obstetrics and gynaecology --;7 Clinical study of Cervagem (ONO-802) for application in first and second trimester abortions in Japan --;Discussion 3 --;8 Cervagem clinical trials review. Part 2: second trimester therapeutic termination of pregnancy, and other applications --;Introduction: Cervagem future development --;9 Cervagem future development: proposed clinical evaluation by the prescriber --;Discussion 4 and future developments --;Chairman's concluding remarks --;10 Preoperative cervical dilatation by vaginal pessaries containing a prostaglandin E1, analogue (gemeprost, Cervagem) (Invited paper, not presented at the symposium).
Honourable Chairman, distinguished speakers, ladies and gentlemen, May & Baker, Singapore is proud to play a part in organizing and hosting this symposium. TanJoo Hock VUl Welcome It is my privilege on behalf of May & Baker to welcome you here today.
Added Entry
Sultan M M Karim
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