رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Parallel computational fluid dynamics : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 715048
Doc. No : b537201
Main Entry : edited by D. Keyes ... [et al.].
Title & Author : Parallel computational fluid dynamics : : towards teraflops, optimization and novel formulation: proceedings of the Parallel CFD 1999 Conference\ edited by D. Keyes ... [et al.].
Publication Statement : Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000
Page. NO : xx, 455 p. : il. ; 25 cm
ISBN : 0444828516
: : 9780444828514
Contents : Plenary Papers. Parallel multigrid solution and optimization in compressible flow simulation and design (J.-A. Desideri, L. Fournier, S. Lanteri, N. Marco, B. Mantel, J. Periaux, J.F. Wang). High-performance spectral element algorithms and implementations (P.F. Fischer, H.M. Tufo). Operator splitting and domain decomposition for multiclusters (M. Garbey, D. Tromeur-Dervout). Development of the earth simulator (S. Kawai, M. Yokokawa, H. Ito, S. Shingu, K. Tani, K. Yoshida). Virtual manufacturing and design in the real world - implementation and scalability on HPCC systems (K.McManus, M. Cross, C. Walshaw, S. Johnson, C. Bailey, K. Pericleous, A. Sloan, P. Chow). Large-scale parallel viscous flow computations using an unstructured multigrid algorithm (D. Mavriplis). Contributed Papers. Efficient Parallel Implementation of a Compact Higher-Order Maxwell Solver Using Spatial Filtering (R. Agarwal). Parallel Two-Level Methods for Three-dimensional Transonic Compressible Flow Simulations on Unstructured Meshes (R. Aitbayev, X.-C. Cai, M. Paraschivoiu). Parallel Calculation of Helicopter BVI Noise by a Moving Overlapped Grid Method (T. Aoyama, A. Ochi, S. Saito, E. Shima). Domain Decomposition Implementations for Parallel Solutions of 3D Navier-Stokes Equations (A.R. Aslan, U. Gulcat, A. Misirlioglu, F.O. Edis). Parallel Implementation of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method (A. Baggag, H.L. Atkins, D.E. Keyes). Numerical Simulations of Complex Flows with Lattice-Boltzmann Automata on Parallel Computers (J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, F. Durst, M. Baum). Parallel Preconditioners for KKT Systems Arising in Optimal Control of Viscous Incompressible Flows (G. Biros, O. Ghattas). Parallel Polynomial Preconditioners for the Analysis of Chaotic Flows in Rayleigh-Benard Convection (E. Bucchignani, A. Matrone, F. Stella). An Object-Oriented Software Framework for Building Parallel Navier-Stokes Solvers (X. Cai, H.P. Langtangen, O. Munthe). Parallel NAS3D: An Efficient Algorithm for Engineering Spray Simulations using LES (D. Caraeni, C. Bergstrom, L. Fuchs). Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel CFD on NT Networks (Y.P. Chien, J.D. Chen, A. Ecer, H.U. Akay). Parallel Computer Simulation of a Chip Bonding to a Printed Circuit Board: In the Analysis Phase of a Design and Optimization Process for Electronic Packaging (P. Chow, C. Bailey, K. McManus, D. Wheeler, H. Lu, M. Cross, C. Addison). Implicit-explicit Hybrid Schemes for Radiation Hydrodynamics Suitable for Distributed Computer Systems (W. Dai, P.R. Woodward). Computations of Three-dimensional Compressible Rayleigh-Taylor Instability on SGI/Cray T3E (A. Deane). An Algorithm for Reducing Communication Cost in Parallel Computing (A. Ecer, E. Lemoine, I. Tarkan). Domain Decomposition Solution of Incompressible Flows using Unstructured Grids with pP2PI Elements (F.O. Edis, U. Gulcat, A.R. Aslan). Parallel Agglomeration Strategies for Industrial Unstructured Solvers (D.R. Emerson, Y.F. Hu, M. Ashworth). Parallel Computation of Turbulent Flows Around Complex Geometries on Hybrid Grids with the DLR-TAU Code (M. Galle, T. Gerhold, J. Evans). Parallel Implementation of a Commonly Used Internal Combustion Engine Code (A. Gel, I. Celik). Towards Realistic Performance Bounds for Implicity CFD Codes (W.D. Gropp, D.K. Kaushik, D.E. Keyes, B.F. Smith). A Parallel Computing Framework for Dynamic Power Balancing in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications (W. Huang, D. Tafti). A Two-Level Aggregation-Based Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Method for Hydrology (E.W. Jenkins, R.C. Berger, J.P. Hallberg, S.E. Howington, C.T. Kelley, J.H. Schmidt, A.K. Stagg, M.D. Tocci). The Next Four Orders of Magnitude in Performance for Parallel CFD (D.E. Keyes). Design of Large-Scale Parallel Simulations (M.G. Knepley, A.H. Sameh, V. Sarin). An Efficient Storage Technique for Parallel Schur Complement Method and Applications on Different Platforms (S. Kocak, H.U. Akay). Applications of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method: The Need for Supercomputing (S. Kunze, E. Schnetter, R. Speith). Parallel Multigrid with Blockwise Smoothers for Multiblock Grids (I.M. Llorente, B. Diskin, N.D. Melson). An Articial Compressibility Solver for Parallel Simulation of Incompressible Two-Phase Flows (K. Morinishi, N. Satofuka). Implementation of a Parallel Framework for Aerodynamic Design Optimization on Unstructured Meshes (E.J. Nielsen, W.K. Anderson, D.K. Kaushik). Validation of a Parallel Version of the Explicit Projection Method for Turbulent Viscous Flows (S. Nilsson). Parallel Solution of Multibody Store Separation Problems by a Fictitious Domain Method (T.-W. Pan, V. Sarin, R. Glowinski, J. Periaux, A. Sameh). Efficient Parallel-by-Line Methods in CFD (A. Povitsky). An Automatable Generic Strategy for Dynamic Load Balancing in a Parallel Structured Mesh CFD Code (J.N. Rodrigues, S.P. Johnson, C. Walshaw, M. Cross). Parallel Performance of a Zonal Navier-Stokes Code on a Missile Flowfield (J. Sahu, K.R. Heavey, D.M. Pressel). Parallel Computation of Three-dimensional Two-phase Flows By Lattice-Boltzmann Method (N. Satofuka, T. Sakai). Parallelization and Optimization of a Large Eddy Simulation Code using and OpenMP for SGI Origin2000 Performance (P. Satya-narayana, R. Avancha, P. Mucci, R. Pletcher). Calculation of Unsteady Incompressible Flows on a Massively Parallel Computer Using the B.F.C. Coupled Method (K. Shimano, Y. Hamajima, C. Arakawa). A Parallel Algorithm for the Detailed Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flows (M. Soria, J. Cadafalch, R. Consul, K. Claramunt, A. Oliva). Parallelization of the Edge-based Stabilized Finite Element Method (A. Soulaimani, A. Rebaine, Y. Saad). The Need for Multigrid for Large Computations (A. Twerda, R.L. Verweij, T.W.J. Peeters, A.F. Bakker). Parallel Computations of Unsteady Euler Equations on Dynamically Deforming Unstructured Grids (A. Uzun, H.U. Akay, C.E. Bronnenberg). Parallelization and MPI Performance of Thermal Lattice Bolzmann Codes for Fluid Turbulence (G. Vahala, J. Carter, D. Wah, L. Vahala, P. Pavlo). Parallel Computation of Two-Phase Flows Using the Immiscible Lattice Gas (T. Watanabe, K. Ebihara). Parallel Performance Modeling of an Implicit Advection-Diffusion Solver (P. Wilders). A Parallel 3D Fully Implicit Unstead Multiblock CFD Code Implemented on a Beowulf Cluster (M.A. Woodgate, K.J. Badcock, B.E. Richards)
Subject : Dinàmica de fluids -- Processament de dades -- Congressos.
Subject : Paral·lelisme (Informàtica) -- Congressos.
Added Entry : D Keyes
: et al
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