" The definitive business plan : "
Richard Stutely.
Document Type
Record Number
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Richard Stutely.
Title & Author
The definitive business plan : : the fast-track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs\ Richard Stutely.
Edition Statement
Rev. 2nd ed
Publication Statement
Harlow, England ; New York: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2007
Page. NO
(xxii, 308 pages) : illustrations
: 1405893974
: 9780131370418
: 9781405893978
Cover --;The definitive business plan --;Contents --;About the author --;Acknowledgements --;Foreword --;Introduction to the First Edition --;Introduction to the Revised Second Edition --;Symbols used --;What's it all about? --;Have you heard the one about ... --;Who should read this book --;A quick fix or a longer-term tool? --;What is a plan anyway? --;Why bother? --;Key objectives for your plan --;Your target audience --;Ten steps to a successful business plan --;Don't trust consultants --;Who writes the business plan? --;How to use this book --;A winning presentation --;A concise communication --;Computer software --;Make it feel good --;First thoughts on layout --;Creating an outline document --;Getting down to it --;Why? --;When you don't want to be a big fish --;What to do if you have several businesses --;Your list of contents --;The executive summary --;The conclusion --;Responsibilities --;and the timetable --;Be a SWOT --;Where now? --;Know yourself --;Taking stock --;Start with the basics --;The central objective --;Are you visionary? --;How did you arrive here? --;Some numbers to please the bankers --;Building up value --;The all-important management team --;Business organization --;Business infrastructure --;Products and services --;Core competencies --;The next step --;Know the world --;For or against you? --;The next steps --;Collecting information --;Understanding the world at large --;Business partners --;The market --;what you are fighting for --;The industry --;what you are up against --;Competitive advantages --;Now write about it --;Moving on --;The core of your plan --;A strategy and an operating plan --;Portfolio strategy --;what businesses should you have? --;Business strategies to satisfy your desires --;Strategies for department managers --;Resource requirements --;Strategic objectives --;Documenting the strategy --;Creating an operating plan --;Documenting the operating plan --;Onwards --;About these numbers --;'The time has come', the walrus said, ' to speak of other things' --;Varying views of the same numbers --;The way that bean counters think --;The planning horizon --;Looking back --;Estimating the present --;Crystal ball gazing --;Software tools --;Putting it to good use --;Getting to gross profit --;Breathe easily --;Forecasting sales volumes --;The big picture --;the economy --;Up close and personal --;industry and product demand --;Pulling it all together --;Cost of sales --;Gross profit --;Writing it up --;Getting to net profit --;Where the money goes --;Capital spending --;Capital assets that you already own --;Capital assets that you want --;Accounting for fixed assets --;Operating expenditure --;Net profit --;Other income and expenditure --;Moving on --;Funding the business --;Balancing your cheque book --;Balance sheets and cash flow mechanics --;Balance sheet headings --;Producing the paper --;Watching cash flow --;Using a surplus --;Getting it funded --;Debt or equity?
Business planning.
Added Entry
Richard Stutely
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