" Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea and Colitis : "
edited by S. Peter Borriello.
Document Type
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Main Entry
edited by S. Peter Borriello.
Title & Author
Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea and Colitis : : the role of Clostridium difficile in gastrointestinal disorders\ edited by S. Peter Borriello.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1984
Series Statement
Developments in gastroenterology, 5.
Page. NO
(192 pages).
: 9789400956643
1 Antibiotics associated with Clostridium difficile mediated diarrhoea and/or colitis --;2 Spectrum of disease --;3 Diagnosis and treatment of antimicrobial agent-associated diarrhea and colitis --;4 Detection, isolation and identification of Clostridium difficile --;5 Detection of Clostridium difficile toxins --;6 Epidemiology of antimicrobial agent-associated diarrhea and colitis --;7 Typing Clostridium difficile --;8 Clostridium difficile and colonization resistance --;9 Characteristics of the toxins of Clostridium difficile --;10 Interaction of Clostridium difficile toxin B (cytotoxin) with cultured cells --;11 Animal models of Clostridium difficile infection --;12 The pathology of antibiotic-associated colitis --;Concluding remarks The unanswered questions --;Reference section.
Antimicrobial-associated diarrhea is often caused by Clostridium difficile; this disease can best be diagnosed by detection of fecal cytotoxin in a tissue culture assay and, when therapy is indicated, can be effectively treated with orally administered vancomycin. The cause of disease in most cases of antimicrobial-associated diarrhea that do not involve C. difficile is not known; fortunately, this form of diarrhea 1S usually mild. Antimicrobial-associated diarrhea may also rarely involve s. aureus and certain enteric pathogens. 37 QHAPTER 4 Qf. TECTlON. ISOLATION Al:iQ. . . IQENTlFICATlON OF CLOSTRIDIUM PIFFICILE S.P. BORRIELLO and PAULINE HONOUR Introduction 38 Detection of Co dlfflcile in stools 38 Direct methods 38 Indirect methods 39 Isolation of Co djfficjle 40 Identification of Co difflcile 44 38 DETECTION ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE S.P. Borriello and Pauline Honour Introduction In view of the mounting evidence generated world wide in the last few years that firmly implicates £. difficile as the aetiological agent in both antibiotic and non-antibiotic associated pseudomembranous colitis (Larson ~ al., 1978, Bartlett ~ al., 1978a, George ~ al., 1978a), and also recent recognition of the fact that there may be a spectrum of gastrointestinal diseases associated with £. difficile infections (Borriello and Larson, 1981, Bolton ~ al., 1980, Brettle ~ al., 1982), an increasing number of laboratories are seeking to detect, isolate and identify £. difficile from clinical samples.
Added Entry
S Peter Borriello
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