" Mind Out of Matter : "
by Gregory R. Mulhauser.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
by Gregory R. Mulhauser.
Title & Author
Mind Out of Matter : : Topics in the Physical Foundations of Consciousness and Cognition\ by Gregory R. Mulhauser.
Publication Statement
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998
Series Statement
Studies in cognitive systems, 20.
Page. NO
(xix, 291 pages)
: 9789401151047
One: Frontal Assault --;1. Structure and Overview --;2. Underlying Themes and Methods --;3. Cognitive Dissonance --;Two: Zombies and Their Look-Alikes --;1. An Embarrassment to Our Discipline --;2. Building A Zombie --;3. Zombies, Functions, and Mathematical Mysticism --;Three: Information, Complexity, and Representation --;1. Information is Physical --;2. Measuring Information --;3. Grounding Representation --;4. GöDEL DE-MYSTIFIED --;5. Platonic Hell --;Four: A Rose, by any other Name (or Description) --;1. Sensations and Descriptons --;Preliminaries --;2. Getting Sensations from Descriptions --;3. 'Macmary' --;4. A Tasty Side Note --;5. The Third Person Problem --;Five: Functional Systems --;1. Liberal Functionausm --;2. Logical Depth Measures --;3. Choosing Modules by Minimising Complexity --;4. Broader Concerns about Functional Decomposition --;Six: Self Models --;1. Supervenience and Levels of Explanation --;2. Prelude to a Theory of Consciousness --;3. Troubles with 'Mental States' --;4. Capturing Consciousness --;5. Inside the Self Model --;Seven: Schrödinger's Cat is Dead --;1. Two Problems of Interpretation --;2. Quantum Formalism in a Nutshell --;3. Consistent Histories --;4. The Classical Approximation --;5. Interactive Decoherence --;6. Is This a Fapp? --;7. mind --;what's QM Got to Do With it? --;Eight: Building Conscious Data Structures --;1. Information and the Self Model --;2. Representation and Function in Neural Systems --;3. Grossberg's Adaptive Resonance Theory --;4. Circuits of the Self Model --;Nine: Chaos, Computabiltty, and Real Life --;1. Too Much of a Good Thing? --;2. Models and Computation --;3. Dynamical Systems --;4. Chaotic Systems --;5. Extended Computabjlity --;6. Computability and Chaotic Analogue Systems --;7. Chaos And Cognition In Real Life --;Ten: My 'Hidden' Agenda --;1. What Good is a Theory of Mend And Body? --;2. A Partial Picture In Soft Focus --;3. Philosophical Futures --;References.
Researchers and specialists in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, complexity theory, and information theory.
Philosophy (General)
Philosophy of mind.
Science -- Philosophy.
Added Entry
Gregory R Mulhauser
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