رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Put 'em up! : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 716517
Doc. No : b536200
Main Entry : Sherri Brooks Vinton.
Title & Author : Put 'em up! : : a comprehensive home preserving guide for the creative cook, from drying and freezing to canning and pickling\ Sherri Brooks Vinton.
Publication Statement : North Adams, Mass.: Storey Pub., ©2010.
Page. NO : 303 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
ISBN : 1603425462
: : 9781603425469
Contents : Sourcing food --;How to use this book --;Food preparation methods --;Food preservation methods --;Working in groups --;Things that will surely get you into trouble --;Things that look bad but aren't dangerous --;Apples --;Asparagus --;Beans --;Beets --;Berries --;Cabbage --;Cantaloupe --;Carrots --;Cauliflower --;Cherries --;Chilies --;Citrus --;Corn --;Cucumbers --;Fennel --;Figs --;Garlic --;Grapes --;Herbs --;Mushrooms --;Onions --;Peaches --;Pears --;Plums --;Radishes --;Ramps and scapes --;Rhubarb --;Strawberries --;Summer squash and zucchini --;Sweet peppers --;Tomatillos and green tomatoes --;Tomatoes --;Watermelon.
Abstract : Offers step-by-step instructions that may have the most timid beginners filling their pantries and freezers with the preserved goodness of summer in no time. This title includes complete how-to for various kinds of preserving: refrigerating and freezing, air- and oven-drying, cold- and hot-pack canning, and pickling.
Subject : Cooking (Vegetables)
Subject : Fruit -- Preservation.
Subject : Vegetables -- Preservation.
Added Entry : Sherri Brooks Vinton
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