" Transport decisions in an age of uncertainty : "
edited by Evert J. Visser.
Document Type
Record Number
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Main Entry
edited by Evert J. Visser.
Title & Author
Transport decisions in an age of uncertainty : : proceedings of the third World Conference on Transport Research, Rotterdam, 26-28 April, 1977\ edited by Evert J. Visser.
Publication Statement
The Hague ; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1977
: 9400997094
: 9789400997073
: 9789400997097
Avant-propos/Foreword --;Liste des présidents/List of chairmen --;Opening Session --;Session II: 1 Urban transport problems --;Session II: 2 Intercontinental transportation --;Session II: 3 Intercity passenger travel --;Workshop 1: Passenger demand analysis --;Session II: 4 Regional transport planning (freight) --;Session III: 1 Passenger demand analysis --;Session III: 2 Freight demand analysis --;Workshop 2: Analysis of technology performance and cost analysis (land, air and marine) --;Session III: 3 Analysis of technology performance and cost analysis (Land modes) --;Session III: 4 Analysis of technology performance and cost analysis (air and marine) --;Session III: 5 Safety and environmental considerations --;Workshop 3: Systems analysis --;Session IV: 1 Systems analysis --;Session IV: 2 Socio-economic factors --;Session IV: 3 Comprehensive approaches --;Workshop 4: Intercity passenger travel/Regional transport planning (freight) --;Panel discussion --;What overall economic and social issues will be relevant in the coming decade and what is their impact on transport --;Mr. Silverleaf --;Mr. Manheim --;Mr. Frybourg --;Mr. De Waele --;Mr. Frenzel --;Mr. Baffour --;Mr. Suchorzevski --;Mr. Harral --;What could be the impact of uncertainties, especially for transport and what is the way in which transport could be used as one of the instruments to cope with some of the uncertainties --;Mr. Suchorzevski --;Mr. Manheim --;Mr. Frybourg --;Mr. Silverleaf --;Mr. De Waele --;Mr. Harral --;Mr. Baffour --;Mr. Frenzel --;Mr. P. Patin --;Mr. M. Esteve Rios --;Mr. K. Vonk --;Mr. G.C. Meeuse --;Mr. L. Sjoestedt --;Mr. A. Hussain --;Mr. Suchorzevski --;Mr. Frybourg --;Mr. Manheim --;Mr. Frenzel --;Mr. Silverleaf --;Mr. Noortman --;Mr. Manheim --;Mr. Silverleaf --;Mr. Baffour --;Mr. Frybourg --;Mr. De Waele --;Mr. Harral --;Mr. J.H. Doyen --;Speaker's name unknown --;Mr. D. L'Huillier --;Mr. A. Kanafani --;Mr. P.K. Wheeler --;Mr. A.L. Webster --;Mr. Noortman --;Mr. Suchorzevski.
Regional economics.
Space in economics.
Transportation -- Congresses.
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