رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Fertility, Mortality and Migration in Subsaharan Africa : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 717969
Doc. No : b537656
Main Entry : Veijo Notkola
Title & Author : Fertility, Mortality and Migration in Subsaharan Africa : : the Case of Ovamboland in North Namibia, 1925-90.\ Veijo Notkola
Publication Statement : London: Palgrave Macmillan Limited, 2016
Page. NO : (202 pages)
ISBN : 0333981340
: : 9780333981344
Contents : Cover; Fertility, Mortality and Migration in SubSaharan Africa; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Acronyms; Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Ovamboland: Ecology, History, Economy, and Culture; 3 Population Development in Namibia; 4 Christianization in Ovamboland; 5 Research Area; 6 Materials and Methods; 7 Quality of Data; 8 Fertility; 9 Mortality; 10 Migration; 11 Summary; Bibliography; Index
Abstract : Scanty evidence has been the major obstacle for studying historical demography in Subsaharan Africa. Our most certain knowledge of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century populations development is based on a retrospective view of the post-Second World War censuses. In north Namibia the availability of continuous series of parish record data since the 1920s offer excellent possibilities to study population development on a regional level by primary sources. In this study fertility, mortality and internal migration in north Namibia among the Christian population since.
LC Classification : ‭HB3664.2‬‭V455 2016‬
Added Entry : Harri Siiskonen
: Veijo Notkola
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