رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" European foreign policy in an evolving international system : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 718632
Doc. No : b538321
Main Entry : edited by Nicola Casarini and Costanza Musu.
Title & Author : European foreign policy in an evolving international system : : the road towards convergence\ edited by Nicola Casarini and Costanza Musu.
Publication Statement : Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Series Statement : Palgrave studies in European Union politics.
Page. NO : (xxv, 260 pages) : illustrations
ISBN : 0230593143
: : 1349545090
: : 9780230593145
: : 9781349545094
Contents : European' foreign policy : a realistic aspiration, or an unattainable goal? / William Wallace --;Europe's grand strategy : the search for a postmodern realism / Pascal Vennesson --;EU co-ordination in international organizations : the case of the United Nations General Assembly and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe / Paul Luif and Mariyana Radeva --;European positions and American responses : ESDP-NATO compatibility / Bastian Giegerich --;Engaging China --;uniting Europe? EU foreign policy towards China / May-Britt Stumbaum --;EU relations with Russia : partnership or asymmetric interdependency? / James Hughes --;European Union foreign policy towards the Balkans / Eva Gross --;The EU and the Arab-Israeli peace process / Costanza Musu --;Congruence without strategy : explaining EU policies towards the Cyprus conflict / Nathalie Tocci --;The European Union and the Western Sahara conflict : managing the colonial heritage / Jordi Vaquer i Fanés --;'Conditionality-lite' : the European neighbourhood policy and the EU's eastern neighbours / Gwendolyn Sasse --;The EU and the Baltic Sea Area / Nicola Catellani --;The EU and Euro-Mediterranean security : a new departure? / Sven Biscop --;The making of the EU's strategy towards Asia / Nicola Casarini --;Conclusions / Spyros Economides.
Abstract : European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System provides the reader with an updated assessment of European Foreign Policy fifteen years after Maastricht. The contributions analyze the level of policy convergence achieved by EU member states in crucial areas and regions of the world.
Subject : European cooperation.
Subject : European Union countries -- Foreign relations.
Subject : European Union.
LC Classification : ‭JZ1570.A5‬‭E358 2007‬
Added Entry : Costanza Musu
: Nicola Casarini
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