رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The performance of open source applications : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 718939
Doc. No : b538630
Main Entry : edited by Tavish Armstrong.
Title & Author : The performance of open source applications : : speed precision, and a bit of serendipity\ edited by Tavish Armstrong.
Publication Statement : Lexington, KY: [Lulu], 2013
Page. NO : x, 169 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
ISBN : 1304488780
: : 9781304488787
Notes : All royalties donated to Amnesty International.
Contents : Introduction / Tavish Armstrong --;High performance networking in Chrome / Ilya Grigorik --;From socialcalc to ethercalc / Audrey Tang --;Ninja / Evan Martin --;Parsing XML at the speed of light / Arseny Kapoulkine --;MemShrink / Kyle Huey --;Applying optimization principle patterns to component deployment and configuration tools / Doug C. Schmidt, William R. Otte, Aniruddha Gokhale --;Infinispan / Manik Surtani --;Talos / Clint Talbert and Joel Maher --;Zotonic / Arjan Scherpenisse and Marc Worrell --;Secrets of mobile network performance / Bryce Howard --;Warp / Kazu Yamamoto, Michael Snoyman, and Andreas Voellmy --;Working with big data in bioinformatics / Eric McDonald and C. Titus Brown.
Subject : Open source software.
Subject : Shareware (Computer software)
LC Classification : ‭QA76.76.S46‬‭E358 2013‬
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