" Key Aspects of German Business Law : "
edited by Bernd Tremml, Bernard Buecker.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
edited by Bernd Tremml, Bernard Buecker.
Title & Author
Key Aspects of German Business Law : : a Manual for Practical Orientation\ edited by Bernd Tremml, Bernard Buecker.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999
Page. NO
(viii, 267 pages)
: 9783662080658
Introduction: Overview of the German Legal System and its Role in Light of Germany's Membership in the European Community --;The Investment Climate in the Federal Republic of Germany --;I How to Establish or Acquire a Business in Germany --;Recognized Forms of Business Organizations --;The Acquisition of Closely Held Companies --;Valuation of Business Enterprises --;II Specialized Laws Impacting the Formation, Acquisition and Operation of a Business in Germany --;Taxes Applicable to Business Enterprises and their Distributed Profits --;Aspects of German Labor Law --;Residence and Work Permits --;Distribution Agreements --;Computer Law --;Notaries in Germany --;Real-estate Property Law in Germany --;The Law of Bankruptcy and Security Interests --;Institutions of the European Community --;The Euro: Its Influence on International Private-Law Contracts --;Antitrust Law in the European Community --;Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts in the European Community --;Marketing of Imported Food Products in Germany --;Trademark Protection in Germany and Europe --;List of Authors --;Glossary of German Terms and Abbreviations.
This book presents a clear and precise overview of the key aspects of German business law. It was written by attorneys involved in the daily practice of business law in Germany and is aimed at people who wish to orient themselves quickly with the German legal system and the manner in which it impacts business purchases, establishment, operations and liquidations. The first section of the book is devoted to an explanation of the major issues to be considered in acquiring or establishing a business in Germany, whereas the second section focuses on areas of special consideration. In both sections special attention has been paid to highlighting and explaining the differences between the German legal system and that of the United States, though the intention is to provide information that will prove valuable to all foreigners, particularly business people and lawyers advising clients with an interest in doing business in Germany.
Commercial law.
LC Classification
KK2059.E358 1999
Added Entry
Bernard Buecker
Bernd Tremml
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